RSTG Custom Sprint Rom - TF3D Tweaked & Loaded - v3.7.05 + Kitchen 5/14/09

Re: RSTG Sprint Stock Custom Rom - Tweaked Loaded w/uc v1719 Updated 2/

is anyone else having trouble with this link
seems to be dead can someone post a new one?

Thanks in advance, eke4503
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Re: RSTG Sprint Stock Custom Rom - Tweaked Loaded w/uc v1719 Updated 2/

is anyone else having trouble with this link
seems to be dead can someone post a new one?

Thanks in advance, eke4503

i cant check right now since they blocked ppcgeeks at work....... if it is bad can one of the staff members please reup this otherwise ill try to remember to do so when i get out of work.....
Re: RSTG Sprint Stock Custom Rom - Tweaked Loaded w/uc v1719 Updated 2/

I ran into this with another rom and now this one. I know its any easy problem o solve.

While in Threaded SMS I do now rack up tone of new message alerts. I have to click out in out to clear each one individually. The stock Sprint rom clears em all at once (I know that I am going to LOSE a message if I change this, but tired of telling it I read that!).

So two options I'm looking for and can't find either:
A) It acts like stock rom opening a threaded SMS clears all new indicators and while in the thread it doesn't rack up new ones.
B) An option in the SMS menu (or somewhere) to 'Mark all as Read' I can mark all as unread but not vice versa.

Thanks again for your help guys. This is my first 'real phone' I've been settling for those cheap free with service ones for too long.

I like to search for my own answers- but I'm stuck lol. Poured through to many posts and too many search engines- so my guess is my way of thinking is not normal.
Re: RSTG Custom Sprint Rom - TF3D Tweaked Loaded - v3705 Kitchen 5/14

I'm not sure if I'm in the right forum but, I did a search for what I was looking for and it directed me here.... I downloaded the Diamond TF3D Config to my computer; I extracted the files to my storage card and tried to run the setup through my phone. However, it opens up Opera Mobile automatically and there's just a white screen. Stays that way for a while and nothing happens. Tried opening the other apps under that folder but it tells me there's no application. What am I doing wrong? As from what I'm told, this is one of the first steps into being able to customize my TF3D themes.

BTW, I've unchecked the TF3D in my Today screen and still same problem...tried to do it through my device instead of sim card and still same problem.
Re: RSTG Custom Sprint Rom - TF3D Tweaked Loaded - v3705 Kitchen 5/14

I'm not sure if I'm in the right forum but, I did a search for what I was looking for and it directed me here.... I downloaded the Diamond TF3D Config to my computer; I extracted the files to my storage card and tried to run the setup through my phone. However, it opens up Opera Mobile automatically and there's just a white screen. Stays that way for a while and nothing happens. Tried opening the other apps under that folder but it tells me there's no application. What am I doing wrong? As from what I'm told, this is one of the first steps into being able to customize my TF3D themes.

BTW, I've unchecked the TF3D in my Today screen and still same problem...tried to do it through my device instead of sim card and still same problem.

ok first of all the config tool is only for .theme files.... if you have a cab file you would install jsut like you would a cab for an app..... and also with the config tool you will have to delete the tweaks file from under program files/diamonmd config and than try to open again.... also in the future since changing a theme has nothing todo with this rom by rstg please ask in the diamond config tool thread since thats what your question pertains too.... thanks and next time will be an infrasction.
Re: RSTG Custom Sprint Rom - TF3D Tweaked & Loaded - v3.7.05 + Kitchen 5/14

this is great... umm.. cant wait... ummm.. .should i??... lol... y not... let you know if a copule of days how it goes...

--------- New Post Merged on 13/7/2009 at 05:02:26 --------

and this does work with tf3d config?? right?/??
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Re: RSTG Custom Sprint Rom - TF3D Tweaked & Loaded - v3.7.05 + Kitchen 5/14

this is great... umm.. cant wait... ummm.. .should i??... lol... y not... let you know if a copule of days how it goes...

--------- New Post Merged on 13/7/2009 at 05:02:26 --------

and this does work with tf3d config?? right?/??

the changelog says rhodium which is touchflo3d-2 so no the config tool will not work.... if you want flat touchflo3d you can always try ATR which makes a stock touchflo, there are also a couple others out there but not too many anymore since rhodium is pretty good now...