RSTG Roms - Selboriyorker MobileShell Raph v3.28 (WM6.1) & v23017.28(WM6.5) .-. 8/24
rstg_Raph_v23017.MS31.28 ... WindowsMobile v6.5 23017
(build release post #781 Updated 8/24/09) (calkulin's 23017 kitchen)
rstg_Raph_v21921.MS31.25 ... WindowsMobile v6.5 21921
(build release post #716 Updated 8/4/09) (calkulin's 21921 kitchen)
rstg_Raph_v3.MS31.28 ... WindowsMobile v6.1 (build release post #674 Updated 7/19/09)
What's inside the following OEM Notes:
Battery_Enh_v1.5 - battery polling tweak, and other misc battery tweaks.
Includes the following 17 Games:
- Installs to \Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Games ........................DopeWars, Kevtris, Pocket Sand, Pocket Video Poker, Tripzee.
- Installs to \Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Games\Arcade ..............PacMan, Ms. Pacman, Frogger, , GemSwap, ICBM, Distant Galaxies.
- Installs to \Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Games\Card Games ........Freecell, Hearts.
- Installs to \Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Games\Strategy ............MasterMind, Rubik Cube, Chess, Pocket Sudoku, Crosswords.
--- Total Commander w/Tweak for 2 window mode, "\" and "\Storage Card\". And sorted by name.
--- PHM RegEdit
--- KeePass Password Manager
--- PIMBackup v2.8
--- Selboriyorker Screen Shot
--- Pocket Rar v3.71
zzz_My_Files_Dia_OEM - Custom Boot screens
zzz_My_Registry_OEM - I wonder...
zzz_My_Sounds_OEM - Customized Rom Sounds
- Ringer: Third Rock from the Sun Theme
- ActiveSync Connect: "Device Connected to activesync"
- ActiveSync DisConnect: "Device Disconnected from activesync"
- Text Messages: "You have a text message boss.."
- New Email: "New Email has arrived"
zzz_My_Start_Menu_ppcKitchen_v2.0_OEM - Customized Start Menu Sorted
Change Log:
How to setup User Customization Links:
For UC here are a couple good threads: User Customization setup
and the original over at xda: [App] ROM Flashing Junkies: User Customization is here
and...Post Your SDconfig.txt, provisioning.xml, etc. Files Here!
Known Issues:
- Can't change settings in Selboriyorker Screenshot (qvga version)
- Touch Pro doesn't have FM Radio...
- None needed...
Rom Quirks and How To:
Get rid of ASync Killer : Delete \windows\startup\ASyncKiller.lnk, reboot.
Get rid of QuickMenu : Delete \windows\startup\QuickMenu.lnk, reboot.
Get rid of VistaHide Battery Guage : Delete \windows\startup\VistaHide Battery Guage.lnk, reboot.
i take no credit for this rom and the original thread can be found here:
This rom contains software that is shareware and carries a 14 day trial.
I assume you have the appropriate registration codes to run this rom past that trial...
This rom contains software that is shareware and carries a 14 day trial.
I assume you have the appropriate registration codes to run this rom past that trial...
Listed is the software and link to register:
Selboriyorker Mobile Shell v3.0 -=-
Selboriyorker Phone Suite v1.3 -=-
Selboriyorker Mobile Shell v3.0 -=-
Selboriyorker Phone Suite v1.3 -=-
Insert bold colored disclaimer here about how it is not my fault
if you mess up your phone
lose sleep
after Flashing this Rom...
if you mess up your phone
lose sleep
after Flashing this Rom...
(actual rom may vary slightly from images below)

Widget Screens 0 thru 4

Rom Download Links:
rstg_Raph_v23017.MS31.28 ... WindowsMobile v6.5 23017
(build release post #781 Updated 8/24/09) (calkulin's 23017 kitchen)
rstg_Raph_v21921.MS31.25 ... WindowsMobile v6.5 21921
(build release post #716 Updated 8/4/09) (calkulin's 21921 kitchen)
rstg_Raph_v3.MS31.28 ... WindowsMobile v6.1 (build release post #674 Updated 7/19/09)
See Post #2 for ChangeLog...
Here is what's inside my Touch Pro Rom Series:
Arcsoft MMS ..................................... with Alltel, Sprint, and Verizon Server Configurations
Badboy8813_Audio_Fix-_(Full_Volume) .................... Tweaked AudioPara3.csv
Clear Temp .................................................. ..... Clear Temp
Battery Monitor ................................................. Battery Monitor
Diamond Tweak v0.5.3 ........................................ Diamond Tweak
eLiAs_ASyncKiller ............................................... ASync Killer
Flip-It .................................................. ............ Screen Rotate App. Disabled by default.
galarm_v1.5.1 .................................................. . G-Alarm v1.4
GPS_GoogleMaps_v3.0.0.2 .................................... Google Maps w/Latitude
HTC_Album_+_SocialNetworksEngine ...................... YouTube and FaceBook Uploads
hTorch_v3_2 .................................................. .... Flashlight app
InboxMenuExtensibility ......................................... Add's "Mark All Read" to pOutlook
KDKobes_Footprints ............................................. kdobes FootPrints
LiveSearch_v4_1_2029_1 ...................................... Live Search
OEM_HTC_GPS_Tool_v1.2.2.11 ............................... GPS Util
Opera9_15306_VGA .............................................. My Choice, packed with my tweaks
psShutXP_Power_Key_-_Touch_Pro ......................... Mapped to power button
Reset .................................................. ............... PHM Reset
QuickMenu_2_8_410_w6 ........................................ QuickMenu
S2A_Dialer_white_CDMA ........................................ S2A Dialer - White
Schaps_Adv_Config_Tool_v3.3 ............................... Advance Config, Device Tweaker
scorpio16v_4icons_in_row .....................................
SIPChange_1_1 .................................................. . Set keyboard to "small keyboard"
Sprint_Teeter .................................................. ... Teeter, G-Sensor Game
sprint-navigation-htc-diamond-2_1_7 ...................... Sprints TeleNav from leaked Rom
SprintTVVGACab_1_6_4_74603_11_19_2008............. . Sprint TV, from authors site
TCPMP-0_72RC1-GF5500Edition-Alpha4 ..................... Media Player
TF3D_Configuration_v0.6.7 .................................... The GUI's Customizer
TickerTape_v0.5.1 ................................................ Nice Stock Program
TodayTheme_HTC_Black ........................................ Theme for Device
TouchPal_v3_5_wm6_1_VGA ................................... TouchPal v3.5 VGA
TouchResponse_v0_3_2 ......................................... Touch Responce v0.3.2 (disabled)
tsowentaskbar3v1_4 ............................................. Taskbar Icons, w/59% fix
UCAutorun .................................................. ........ User Customization OEM
Vista Hide Battery Guage ........................................ Vistahide
Voice Command .................................................. .. Microsoft Voice Command
WVD .................................................. ................ Web Video Downloader
XDA_HTC_CalculatorV2 .......................................... Calculator
zManila_US Weather Cities Plus Editor ....................... US Weather Cities + Editor
Arcsoft MMS ..................................... with Alltel, Sprint, and Verizon Server Configurations
Badboy8813_Audio_Fix-_(Full_Volume) .................... Tweaked AudioPara3.csv
Clear Temp .................................................. ..... Clear Temp
Battery Monitor ................................................. Battery Monitor
Diamond Tweak v0.5.3 ........................................ Diamond Tweak
eLiAs_ASyncKiller ............................................... ASync Killer
Flip-It .................................................. ............ Screen Rotate App. Disabled by default.
galarm_v1.5.1 .................................................. . G-Alarm v1.4
GPS_GoogleMaps_v3.0.0.2 .................................... Google Maps w/Latitude
HTC_Album_+_SocialNetworksEngine ...................... YouTube and FaceBook Uploads
hTorch_v3_2 .................................................. .... Flashlight app
InboxMenuExtensibility ......................................... Add's "Mark All Read" to pOutlook
KDKobes_Footprints ............................................. kdobes FootPrints
LiveSearch_v4_1_2029_1 ...................................... Live Search
OEM_HTC_GPS_Tool_v1.2.2.11 ............................... GPS Util
Opera9_15306_VGA .............................................. My Choice, packed with my tweaks
psShutXP_Power_Key_-_Touch_Pro ......................... Mapped to power button
Reset .................................................. ............... PHM Reset
QuickMenu_2_8_410_w6 ........................................ QuickMenu
S2A_Dialer_white_CDMA ........................................ S2A Dialer - White
Schaps_Adv_Config_Tool_v3.3 ............................... Advance Config, Device Tweaker
scorpio16v_4icons_in_row .....................................
SIPChange_1_1 .................................................. . Set keyboard to "small keyboard"
Sprint_Teeter .................................................. ... Teeter, G-Sensor Game
sprint-navigation-htc-diamond-2_1_7 ...................... Sprints TeleNav from leaked Rom
SprintTVVGACab_1_6_4_74603_11_19_2008............. . Sprint TV, from authors site
TCPMP-0_72RC1-GF5500Edition-Alpha4 ..................... Media Player
TF3D_Configuration_v0.6.7 .................................... The GUI's Customizer
TickerTape_v0.5.1 ................................................ Nice Stock Program
TodayTheme_HTC_Black ........................................ Theme for Device
TouchPal_v3_5_wm6_1_VGA ................................... TouchPal v3.5 VGA
TouchResponse_v0_3_2 ......................................... Touch Responce v0.3.2 (disabled)
tsowentaskbar3v1_4 ............................................. Taskbar Icons, w/59% fix
UCAutorun .................................................. ........ User Customization OEM
Vista Hide Battery Guage ........................................ Vistahide
Voice Command .................................................. .. Microsoft Voice Command
WVD .................................................. ................ Web Video Downloader
XDA_HTC_CalculatorV2 .......................................... Calculator
zManila_US Weather Cities Plus Editor ....................... US Weather Cities + Editor
Misc Rom Notes:
Stock Cab's in the rom:
Stock Cab's in the rom:
UCAutorun - Installs netcfv3.5 to maintain the stock volume control, then UC will run your \Internal Storage\sdconfig.txt. I'll add a link later...
This is Stock-ish - Working Sprint Music Store, Sprint TV, TeleNav all pre-installed
rstg_Raph_v3.MS3.04 rstg_Raph_v3.MS3.06 rstg_Raph_v3.MS3.09rstg_Raph_vG52x.MS3.04 rstg_Raph_vG53.MS31.12 rstg_Raph_v3.MS31.22
rstg_Raph_v23004.MS31.20 ... WindowsMobile v6.5 23004 (build release post #682 Updated 7/21/09) (calkulin's 23004 kitchen)rstg_Raph_v3.MS31.15
What's inside the following OEM Notes:
Battery_Enh_v1.5 - battery polling tweak, and other misc battery tweaks.
Includes the following 17 Games:
- Installs to \Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Games ........................DopeWars, Kevtris, Pocket Sand, Pocket Video Poker, Tripzee.
- Installs to \Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Games\Arcade ..............PacMan, Ms. Pacman, Frogger, , GemSwap, ICBM, Distant Galaxies.
- Installs to \Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Games\Card Games ........Freecell, Hearts.
- Installs to \Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Games\Strategy ............MasterMind, Rubik Cube, Chess, Pocket Sudoku, Crosswords.
--- Total Commander w/Tweak for 2 window mode, "\" and "\Storage Card\". And sorted by name.
--- PHM RegEdit
--- KeePass Password Manager
--- PIMBackup v2.8
--- Selboriyorker Screen Shot
--- Pocket Rar v3.71
zzz_My_Files_Dia_OEM - Custom Boot screens
zzz_My_Registry_OEM - I wonder...
zzz_My_Sounds_OEM - Customized Rom Sounds
- Ringer: Third Rock from the Sun Theme
- ActiveSync Connect: "Device Connected to activesync"
- ActiveSync DisConnect: "Device Disconnected from activesync"
- Text Messages: "You have a text message boss.."
- New Email: "New Email has arrived"
zzz_My_Start_Menu_ppcKitchen_v2.0_OEM - Customized Start Menu Sorted
Change Log:
How to setup User Customization Links:
For UC here are a couple good threads: User Customization setup
and the original over at xda: [App] ROM Flashing Junkies: User Customization is here
and...Post Your SDconfig.txt, provisioning.xml, etc. Files Here!
Known Issues:
- Can't change settings in Selboriyorker Screenshot (qvga version)
- Touch Pro doesn't have FM Radio...
- None needed...
Rom Quirks and How To:
Get rid of ASync Killer : Delete \windows\startup\ASyncKiller.lnk, reboot.
Get rid of QuickMenu : Delete \windows\startup\QuickMenu.lnk, reboot.
Get rid of VistaHide Battery Guage : Delete \windows\startup\VistaHide Battery Guage.lnk, reboot.
i take no credit for this rom and the original thread can be found here:
Last edited: