[HTC-PRO] RSTG Roms - Spb MobileShell Raph v3.28 (WM6.1) & v23017.28(WM6.5) .-. 8/24

Re: RSTG Roms - Selboriyorker MobileShell v30 Raph v3MS311 -=No Manila=- Updated

okay, i flashed this last night, and so far so good. i also installed mikeyD's cool blue selboriyorker theme and it looks real nice with the blue taskbar. everything runs smooth, very responsive, and cant forget the cool sounds! ohh, and yes tweety, all the cool guys are running this. lol.
Re: RSTG Roms - Selboriyorker MobileShell v30 Raph v3MS311 -=No Manila=- Updated

okay, i flashed this last night, and so far so good. i also installed mikeyD's cool blue selboriyorker theme and it looks real nice with the blue taskbar. everything runs smooth, very responsive, and cant forget the cool sounds! ohh, and yes tweety, all the cool guys are running this. lol.
glad you like it and decided not to go 6.5 heh even though u were halfway done:connie_mykilroy:
Re: RSTG Roms - Selboriyorker MobileShell v30 Raph v3MS311 -=No Manila=- Updated

i love this rom but something is draining the hell out of my battery, cant seem to find anything open or running.......

did you check the beam to make sure that was off? and im trying mighty right now and will let you know about it when im done with the flash...... 6.1 again and should be pretty good since that was his bread and butter.
Re: RSTG Roms - Selboriyorker MobileShell v30 Raph v3MS311 -=No Manila=- Updated

I have a little colored line up top but no problems that I can tell. Really new to this.
I have a ton more thanks buttons to hit lol. This is a testament to the info you guys/gals have here. Me a 35 yr old welder able to flash within a few weeks of owning this phone(first ppc), took a lot of searching and reading but can be done. I still have a long ways to go but Ill get there.
On to the donations, thanks a ton this is way better than stock.
Re: RSTG Roms - Selboriyorker MobileShell v30 Raph v3MS311 -=No Manila=- Updated

I have a little colored line up top but no problems that I can tell. Really new to this.
I have a ton more thanks buttons to hit lol. This is a testament to the info you guys/gals have here. Me a 35 yr old welder able to flash within a few weeks of owning this phone(first ppc), took a lot of searching and reading but can be done. I still have a long ways to go but Ill get there.
On to the donations, thanks a ton this is way better than stock.

The color line is your battery meter bro!!!
Re: RSTG Roms - Selboriyorker MobileShell v30 Raph v3MS311 -=No Manila=- Updated

well it looks like i found what might have been killing my battery, it was weatherpanel automatically updating every 30 minutes..i turned that off and will see how that works today will at work..thanks for the help......
Re: RSTG Roms - Selboriyorker MobileShell v30 Raph v3MS311 -=No Manila=- Updated

well it looks like i found what might have been killing my battery, it was weatherpanel automatically updating every 30 minutes..i turned that off and will see how that works today will at work..thanks for the help......

yes, that can also waste lots of battery, but remember to disable BOTH weather panels, the today, and selboriyorker.

lol, I noticed this morning the colored line was almost gone, thats when it dawned on me. This rom has enough going on to keep a noob busy for a couple months. yes!!
lol, yes this rom its nice. especially when you are hanging out with friends and all of a sudden your phone goes: "excuse me master, you have a text message".
Re: RSTG Roms - Selboriyorker MobileShell v30 Raph v3MS311 -=No Manila=- Updated

well it looks like i found what might have been killing my battery, it was weatherpanel automatically updating every 30 minutes..i turned that off and will see how that works today will at work..thanks for the help......

it looked like it was weatherpanel eating my battery, much longer life...

could have been..... i only had it update if i was using the default interface when i was going old school lmao..... jsut sooo much stuff on the rom too could have made a difference from what you are used to if you dont run loaded roms often.
Re: RSTG Roms - Selboriyorker MobileShell Raph vG52x.MS3.03 WM6.5 - 5/4/09

updated first post with the newest version.

EDIT: ouch dude new release as you posted lmao time to reflash again and dont forget to take the battery out and hard reset afterwards.
Re: RSTG Roms - Selboriyorker MobileShell Raph vG52xMS303 WM65 - 5/4/09

updated first post with the newest version.

EDIT: ouch dude new release as you posted lmao time to reflash again and dont forget to take the battery out and hard reset afterwards.

Haha figues...but man the more i mess around with this the more i love it. It kinda reminds me of the new palm pre thats coming out
Re: RSTG Roms - Selboriyorker MobileShell Raph vG52xMS303 WM65 - 5/4/09

Haha figues...but man the more i mess around with this the more i love it. It kinda reminds me of the new palm pre thats coming out

how do you get that out of this rom? i ran this and saw nothing close to the pre in it.