screen question


since ive gotten my new touch sent to me, i havent had the screen protector so i now notice i have some very light marks from the stylist, is there a way 2 polish this?? i have something for my ipod that kinda works , do u think i can use it on my touch?
you can try it. i'm sure it wouldn't hurt it. also heard tootepaste may work but i never tried.

yuppers toothpaste with a cuetip and lightly massage it into the scratch only..... or this also works.

Earlier I mentioned that the product "Rain-X" improved the condition of the scratched screen on the used Pilot 1000 I purchased. I have successfully used the following method to restore the screen with the exception of a small "nick". Don't try this if you have any hesitation about it. I am posting this for those compulsive Pilot owners who, like me, want as smooth a screen as possible and find that screen protectors are too "mushy".

Disclaimers aside, let's start by defining terms:
- "rough area" a part of the screen where you can feel that the stylus isn't moving smoothly, but you can't see any scratches
- "scratch" the rough area has visible lines that can be seen by reflected light
- "nick" a small pit can be seen easily; it causes a distinct "snick" that is easily felt when the stylus crosses it

This method removes rough areas and scratches, and will reduce the effect of a nick, but cannot remove a nick.
How to do it:
1. Gather these materials:
- Rain-X
- Instant Krazy Glue
- cotton Q-tip
- lint-free soft cloth
- small square of aluminum foil
2. Find a well-ventilated workspace.
3. Squeeze several drops of Krazy Glue onto the aluminum foil.
4. Wet one end of the Q-tip with Rain-X.
5. Stir the Krazy Glue with the wet Q-tip end until it is absorbed into the Q-tip.
6. Apply the wet Q-tip to the rough and scratched areas of the screen, repeatedly making small circles until the area to be treated is covered and is hazy. The Q-tip may dry out some during the process.
7. Let the Pilot screen dry.
8. Take the soft lint-free cloth and buff the treated area. The haze may spread, and you may see small flecks on the screen, but continued buffing will remove them.
9. When the screen is clear, look at it using reflected light. The rough areas and scratches should be invisible, or barely visible. Nicks will still be there but may look shallower.
10.Let the treated area dry for half an hour.
11. Run the stylus over the treated area. It should be almost as good as new -- on my screen, except for the nick, it -is- as good as new.

What I think is happening:
The siloxanes in the Rain-X and the Krazy Glue form a thin plastic "varnish" that fills and adheres to the scratches in the Pilot's plastic screen. Buffing away the "haze" removes the excess and, except for the deeper nicks, restores the smoothness of the original plastic.
hate too be a pest but lol, that thing i used, left a kind of rainbow affect on the light scratches, does this go away? n do u think the toothpaste thing wud work better? it kinda looks worst now then b4
hate too be a pest but lol, that thing i used, left a kind of rainbow affect on the light scratches, does this go away? n do u think the toothpaste thing wud work better? it kinda looks worst now then b4

it might ibut it sounds like you are rubbing too hard... its not like a car you have to use a terry cloth with that stuff and lightly rub the cloth across it with no pressure besides the pressure of the cloth itself. it may but most likely there is no coming back from the hard buff scratches.
do u think a screen protector would get rid of the rainbow effect from the light scratches? its getting more annoying by the second lol
i dont knlow you would have to try it..... i havent seen the scratches.... but i worn you it may make it look worse from reflection and there being a small hairline scratch there for the light to settle in and refect off of.

thanx as always lol, it just now looks like a rainbow smugh right on the middle on the screen, its more visible on a white background , very annoyin, wats the best protector u recommend? im goin 2 buy one online righ now lol
i honestly cant remember the name of it but if i get a chance tonight i will get that for you.

dont even worry about it, thanks for everything, i did some research and i already purchased one, its pretty good about 12$ antiglare, some 1 suggested it on another site, thanks again and enjoy the celtics ... or not lol