[HTC-PRO] ||SEP22 23414 Demolition 6.5 XIPKernel Titanium|MANILA 2.1||

Re: ||JUNE 2 Demolition Titanium|| ||21502|| ||UC||

HAHA cool have been thinking of flashing too i will wait for your review on the rom Thanks

I guess I jumped in line haha I flashed it last night. Im on v3.6 and Im going to us it through the day and see how I like it.

word be sure to let us know if you like it papa smurf :)

Looks like this was updated with 21728 in case anyone wants to update this thread.

thanks and will get updated later today at work unless someone beats me to the punch
Re: ||JUNE 2 Demolition Titanium|| ||21502|| ||UC||

I've found this to have a serious battery leak problem somewhere.

I left my phone on after being fully charged and woke up to a depleted battery.

If anyone would care to check it out further and post what the problem might be I think that this rom is really worth it. Thanks in advance
Re: ||JUNE 2 Demolition Titanium|| ||21502|| ||UC||

I've found this to have a serious battery leak problem somewhere.

I left my phone on after being fully charged and woke up to a depleted battery.

If anyone would care to check it out further and post what the problem might be I think that this rom is really worth it. Thanks in advance
How long are we talking? You left it on overnight? 4,6,8 hours? 10?
Re: ||JUNE 2 Demolition Titanium|| ||21502|| ||UC||

How long are we talking? You left it on overnight? 4,6,8 hours? 10?

It was on the charger until 330am when someone texted me and i took it off to answer and hit the power button to turn the screen off.

When I woke up at 645am the phone was warm to the touch and the top of the bar read "Messaging" where it normally says "Start" and the task manager to the right had a X instead of the normal three lines with the down arrow to look at running tasks.

I've tried with and without the gprs installed as the original thread recommends as well. For killing the data connection after 1 minute or whatever.

Im not quite sure if the problem only happens to me or not since i've yet to see anyone else with the same results.
Re: ||JUNE 2 Demolition Titanium|| ||21502|| ||UC||

It was on the charger until 330am when someone texted me and i took it off to answer and hit the power button to turn the screen off.

When I woke up at 645am the phone was warm to the touch and the top of the bar read "Messaging" where it normally says "Start" and the task manager to the right had a X instead of the normal three lines with the down arrow to look at running tasks.

I've tried with and without the gprs installed as the original thread recommends as well. For killing the data connection after 1 minute or whatever.

Im not quite sure if the problem only happens to me or not since i've yet to see anyone else with the same results.

sounds like the phone froze and didnt take a charge... happens from time to time on the pro.
Re: ||JUNE 2 Demolition Titanium|| ||21502|| ||UC||

That happens on some ROMs. Its the phone trying to open up messaging for some reason and it just wont open. It happens to me all the time, i forget which ROM I was running at the times though. So basically, your phone was computing for them 3 hours and 15 minutes....just as if you were installing apps, surfung the web, or other high demand activities. If you manually closed the "messaging" screen, you woulda been cool, so just keep a look out for that from now on.
Re: ||JUNE 2 Demolition Titanium|| ||21502|| ||UC||

I dont think I have had a battery problem, about normal with little use. I did notice the battery dropping about 5% per song when playing through media player. My biggest problem is Im scared to install anything as it may mess it up. I installed nuekblight and after restart any time I move anything on the today or start menu it would streek I guess not sure what youd call it. Enter start menu and go to settings or whatever and it would overlap menus and look all messed up. Hard reset was the only thing that would fix it. Not sure if it did it with sprint nav didnt want to try it again just to have to hard reset all over.
My ringer for texst stop working and would just give me a quick vibrate like when its soft reset no ringer just the vibrate. I had 2 text come in at once and it vibrated for a good 30secs. Did a soft reset and it would work fine or the next couple of text then right back to the same thing.
When the phone was locked the font would get cut off of the time on some of the numbers, nice font none the less.
The over all look and perfomance is nice and for the most part I like it. Id say the ring is the biggest problem for me right now. I believe he BMX is updating soon so I may just flash back and see how it is. He is still in highschool which to me says a lot, great work dude.
Im a light to medium user so results may vary.
Not sure which rom Im going to next.
Re: ||JUNE 2 Demolition Titanium|| ||21502|| ||UC||

Well for some reason this rom is just not treating me right. After my initial post I hard reset to see if that might solve my problem and it done the same thing again so I hard reset a second time and it seemed to have solved the problem.

I left it on charge while i played some H.A.W.X. on the 360 and came back to a phone that was turned off. I went to turn on and seen that it somehow hard reset itself. I thought nothing of it that time since all I did was use PIM to restore my numbers and didn't really care since I didn't lose much of anything.

Well.. boy was I wrong thinking that the problems might be gone. I put my phone on charge while I was sleeping last night and unplugged it this morning to see if i had any missed calls or texts just to see my phone was turned off again. So I hit the power button to turn the screen on just to see it somehow Hard reset itself once again.

So for now I shall find another rom to use, but i really do like the way this one looks.
Re: ||JUNE 2 Demolition Titanium|| ||21502|| ||UC||

Ive been following the thread over there and looks like a update monday night? You may try it then may help may not, Ill try it to see if it fixes some of the problems I had.
I think I may need a intervention if I keep flashing the way I have been haha.
Re: ||JUNE 2 Demolition Titanium|| ||21502|| ||UC||

Ive been following the thread over there and looks like a update monday night? You may try it then may help may not, Ill try it to see if it fixes some of the problems I had.
I think I may need a intervention if I keep flashing the way I have been haha.

Yah that's what version I'm using. I was the one that suggested if one of the mods could update this thread with it and it hasn't been done yet because D/\SH was busy at the moment. He said hed get it later. Maybe the older version is better.. Idk
Re: ||JUNE 2 Demolition Titanium|| ||21502|| ||UC||

Yah that's what version I'm using. I was the one that suggested if one of the mods could update this thread with it and it hasn't been done yet because D/\SH was busy at the moment. He said hed get it later. Maybe the older version is better.. Idk

well im trying i cant run this place asnd im busy and have a life too.... i dont understand why it always has to be me making these updates to rom when there are other staff that could help me out.... oh well i guess and rant ovewr and will get updated asap.
Re: ||JUNE 2 Demolition Titanium|| ||21502|| ||UC||

well im trying i cant run this place asnd im busy and have a life too.... i dont understand why it always has to be me making these updates to rom when there are other staff that could help me out.... oh well i guess and rant ovewr and will get updated asap.

Trust me D/\SH i understand. I was merely stating the fact that the idea was already thought to update this post since smw didn't see that I already suggested if someone could do so. You do plenty as it is and I am by no means calling you a liar. Just simply stating that you did acknowledge the fact that you did at least see my post is all.

Either way I don't even see what would be so different in the new build version anyways because it is quite obvious that it isn't doing me so good anyways.
Re: ||JUNE 2 Demolition Titanium|| ||21502|| ||UC||

Trust me D/\SH i understand. I was merely stating the fact that the idea was already thought to update this post since smw didn't see that I already suggested if someone could do so. You do plenty as it is and I am by no means calling you a liar. Just simply stating that you did acknowledge the fact that you did at least see my post is all.

Either way I don't even see what would be so different in the new build version anyways because it is quite obvious that it isn't doing me so good anyways.

hahhahah word and was just a rant that i had to get out.... even if i dont make the rom threads it seems im stuck updating all of them which is a very time consuming and strenuous job to say the least with all the updates for all the different roms that asre out.
Re: ||JUNE 2 Demolition Titanium|| ||21502|| ||UC||

Im not talking about ver 3.6 as that is the one that I had my problems with. I made the treck over there to see if anyone had the problems I was having. So tomorrow (monday night) there will be a update to the lastest version. This is the one I was refering to not an older version. Sorry for the mix up, and its just a couple clicks away and we can all find the lastest versions.

D/\SH I hope the smoke fairy leaves you something tomorrow. :glasses1: haha
Re: ||JUNE 2 Demolition Titanium|| ||21502|| ||UC||

Im not talking about ver 3.6 as that is the one that I had my problems with. I made the treck over there to see if anyone had the problems I was having. So tomorrow (monday night) there will be a update to the lastest version. This is the one I was refering to not an older version. Sorry for the mix up, and its just a couple clicks away and we can all find the lastest versions.

D/\SH I hope the smoke fairy leaves you something tomorrow. :glasses1: haha

hahahhaa word im hoping too :) and what version of this you running now im lost in this thread lmao
Re: ||JUNE 2 Demolition Titanium|| ||21502|| ||UC||

Im back on star at the moment but the last version is demo v3.6 build 21728 bmx has stated an update soon.
Re: ||JUNE 2 Demolition Titanium|| ||21502|| ||UC||

Im back on star at the moment but the last version is demo v3.6 build 21728 bmx has stated an update soon.

cool and yeah i have found star to be the best all around rom that is out right now with a close second belonging to merdinh...... just sad that mighty has fallen so much