Signal Strength


My TP2 is with verizon.. this is my first phone with them. My phone stays searching for a signal in areas where I know i should have good service according to their map. Also when i was on the phone with them they was telling me that I was near one of their towers at the time and should be getting a strong signal. On VZW website i see several people complaining about weak signals with this phone. Anybody on here having issues far as signal strength? I plan on taking the phone into a store this evening to let them look at it. If they say nothing is wrong with it sadly ill be getting a tour:(...
My TP2 is with verizon.. this is my first phone with them. My phone stays searching for a signal in areas where I know i should have good service according to their map. Also when i was on the phone with them they was telling me that I was near one of their towers at the time and should be getting a strong signal. On VZW website i see several people complaining about weak signals with this phone. Anybody on here having issues far as signal strength? I plan on taking the phone into a store this evening to let them look at it. If they say nothing is wrong with it sadly ill be getting a tour:(...

it was a bad batch that got sent out... tell me do you always skip from 3g to 1x quite constantly.... i got lucky and dotn have this problem and i get great signal and reception.... i have never been without signal on this phone, never dropped a call and never have even gotten static ro anyone complaining about the call quality.... im very happy, i would try to get a replacement for that one and than see what the new one does, if still unhappy go with the tour if you want a blackberry sicne it is very nice... but keep in mind if you are a windows mobile person that in the next couple weeks the omnia 2 is coming out and damn that device looks sexy as hell.
i went by verizon today and after the staff finished playing with my phone since they hadnt seen it yet looked into my problem. They said that the area im in is still being switched over to verizon from alltel. so sometimes towers get shut down for this. but what got me is that he said its not full 3g coverage around here yet even though the map shows it. so im not sure if i should switch phones and just wait for the conversion to complete or go with blackberry.. i have till the 13th to switch devices completly after that i can only get another tp2
i went by verizon today and after the staff finished playing with my phone since they hadnt seen it yet looked into my problem. They said that the area im in is still being switched over to verizon from alltel. so sometimes towers get shut down for this. but what got me is that he said its not full 3g coverage around here yet even though the map shows it. so im not sure if i should switch phones and just wait for the conversion to complete or go with blackberry.. i have till the 13th to switch devices completly after that i can only get another tp2

why would that change your mond? the blackberry wont get 3g in areas that you arent now.. its a waiting game on them to get that working and not for the phones since they are ready for it.