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Palm WebOs silly worries


i know these are stupid questions but i had a mogul about to get the palm pre is modable, can i get custom rom like i did with mogul. i know i get apps and stuff. but i need a program or system that will improve the battery and memory usable stuff like. i am just scared that all the capabilities (changing, add-on's tweaks) that i could do with the wm will be gone. someone give me hope that the capabilites or webos and endless. and by the way what does PAWN mean and how does it affect the phone?
i know these are stupid questions but i had a mogul about to get the palm pre is modable, can i get custom rom like i did with mogul. i know i get apps and stuff. but i need a program or system that will improve the battery and memory usable stuff like. i am just scared that all the capabilities (changing, add-on's tweaks) that i could do with the wm will be gone. someone give me hope that the capabilites or webos and endless. and by the way what does PAWN mean and how does it affect the phone?

no there isnt custom roms but you will want to root your palm pre and we have a tutorial for that here. there are different tweaks out there and apps that will save your battery. right now for apps you hasve the regular files that are installed through the sdk or you can use the stock app store as well as my favorite filecoaster. filecoaster is like another app store thats easy to use and everything in it is free! it also tells you out of your apps which ones need to be updated (ones you downloaded) its totally different and is more language style to doing everything rather than registry style... hope t hat makes sense..... think modern over dos style per instance.... they are totally different and being an owner of both i had to sdtay with wm.... in the future there is a lot of potential for the platform..... hope this helps....
thanks dash for that, i am having problems flashing with my mogul so i thought to get the pre thinking i might like so i am sticking with pro 2. just gotta wait for the price to calm down. cuz 350 dollars is too much for a phone regardless of what it does. thanks again