SIP Change Problems


Hey Guys - Im having problems with SIP Change. I keeps pocketcm for a while but occasionally it changes to the stock keyboard (the White one). I have uninstalled both and followed the instructions in Dash's touch mod thread...and it contiues to happen. Any ideas? and why doesnt SIP Change appear in the "remove programs" list?
Hey Guys - Im having problems with SIP Change. I keeps pocketcm for a while but occasionally it changes to the stock keyboard (the White one). I have uninstalled both and followed the instructions in Dash's touch mod thread...and it contiues to happen. Any ideas? and why doesnt SIP Change appear in the "remove programs" list?

iv dunno know why it doesnt appear in the uninstall list some apps do but some dont. it only takes up like 45 kb so dont worry bout it. i have no clue why it would sometimes change on you i havent been able to produce the same error. maby someone else here has faced the same error and can inlighten us on anything that they have foudn to work.
HMM, OK. How do you uninstall SIP? I just went through the computer and deleted the folder in program files, but after the soft reset I receive a notification - is there another way I should remove it from the phone? Ill try it one more time, see if it sticks
HMM, OK. How do you uninstall SIP? I just went through the computer and deleted the folder in program files, but after the soft reset I receive a notification - is there another way I should remove it from the phone? Ill try it one more time, see if it sticks

by going into the windows folder and making sure all the traces are gone.
how can I get movies to play on on my htc touch everytime I click on a movie shows part 1 2 3 4 etc.......when I click on it movie never pulls up.... my of plays it fine
Hey Dash,

So far so good, the keyboard hasnt changed on me

glad to hear it fbro maby the last time you installed it there was a hiccup or alot of cpu usage on the phone that casued it to skip a little part of the install causing it to skip every once in a while.
Well I finally figured out that the problem I was having was with Pocket CM's keyboard not SIP Change. PCM conflicted with just about evey program I use, Opera, PCM contacts, and would freeze up Vito SMS.

Im using Happy Tapping now, it at least allows me to type in opera and new contacts on PCM contacts- which is more then PCM keyboard would do...and so far it hasn't changed back to the stock keyboard.
Well I finally figured out that the problem I was having was with Pocket CM's keyboard not SIP Change. PCM conflicted with just about evey program I use, Opera, PCM contacts, and would freeze up Vito SMS.

Im using Happy Tapping now, it at least allows me to type in opera and new contacts on PCM contacts- which is more then PCM keyboard would do...and so far it hasn't changed back to the stock keyboard.

glad to hear that you found something that works for you with your apps. thats the reason i dropped pocktcm after a short time since i hated all the conflicts that it caused even though it was a nice keyboard.