skyfire is here!

I saw this yesterday over at ppcgeeks and it worked great for me. was already registered and registered again with the same info and away we went. i'm posting from my 6900 via skyfire now. my only question so far is when you d/l through skyfire where does the file go? I can't seem to find it anywhere

check you main document or storage card
i signed up for it a couple of days ago and it only took 3 or 4 minutes for the text message and it also sent me an email about 20minutes later
amazing, thanks a million..

real slick

plays youtube..

i installed according to instructions 2 hours ago & worked great. thanks again
I had the same problem but I just entered my brothers cell number and he forwarded the text to me. but it's the email that has the link to actually download it.
I just used the method mentioned on previous pages (re-registering) 5 minutes ago. It sent another SMS to my phone, and when I opened the attached link...BOOM!!! SKYFIRE... this is sweet THANKS AMJ.COM!
I just used the method mentioned on previous pages (re-registering) 5 minutes ago. It sent another SMS to my phone, and when I opened the attached link...BOOM!!! SKYFIRE... this is sweet THANKS AMJ.COM!

so this shit is still going on strong because some dudes is getting the capacity bit but i guess its still workin,COOL
check you main document or storage card

I've looked everywhere in my phone and no luck. i searched for .zip files, the name of the file, everywhere i could think of. I did find a skyfire folder but there was nothing in it. so for the moment i guess i gotta use PIE plus for mobile downloading. :(
For people who get the message "# is registered already". that happened to me yesterday. it tursn out i had registered before with a different email address so i put in the email address that I used originally and that worked. For people getting the message "you are now signed up for beta 2". Dont use PIE, use another browser. copy the link and use another browser (i used the leaked opera) and then go to the link. this will take you to a page where you type in a password and then it will let you download the cab.
the email thing worked liek a charm forgot i used a diff1 heh ty kind sir
I don't know what your doing different but It doesn't work.... you can't just put a new email caus it tells you that your cell number is already entered..... so I used a different email and Cell and still just get the first sms and email with a link to an "at capacity page"
If you register and get capacity message, keep that sms with the link, go back and change your phone number and resend to the fake number. Then go and retry to cut and paste the original sms link that did not work the first time.

This is how I got mine to finally give me a download link
yea it wouldn't let me put it on my treowx but i got it on the 68,and 69

i just did wat everyone one else said to do. . .

changed my email lol.

i did that before right now of reading that people suggested that i would tell people to do that now but someone already told them to do it from the looks of it

thanks though
Just tried to register and it said that the cnet100 beta code was invalid. Does this mean I'm back on the waiting list?