Skype v2.2.0.37 for Mobile (Freeware)


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Skype v2.2.0.37 for Mobile (Freeware)
Requirements: PPC WM5, WM6
Overview: Skype is a little piece of software that lets you make free calls to anyone else on Skype, anywhere in the world. And even though the calls are free, they are really excellent quality. If you and your friends, family or business contacts are using webcams, you can also make free video calls. You can even call landlines and mobile phones at really cheap per minute rates (and there's no setup or subscription fee).

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dash we cant get the sound to work when ever you call or recieve a call u answer and there is no sound for neither person
dash we cant get the sound to work when ever you call or recieve a call u answer and there is no sound for neither person

well this is a freeware bro just got to the developers site and it might be under FAQ or contact them and see what they say.... i dont use the app or anything so wouldnt know........ and its not a crack so theres no way it was made or cracked incorrectly.
If your using the mogul, skype seems toonly workthrough this through any forum you like and you will find the same answer...this maybe the case for other PPCs as well...that could be your issue if your not using skype on speaker...
i tryed both speaker and headphones neither work and i took my team to search before and i saw that people were saying that there is an older version that works with the mogul
DOESN'T WORK On Sprint Touch, the Skype site facts will tell you that the Phone feature only work on the 3G Network, doesn't work for CDMA or GSM, I'd the Test and I'did call to Skype, and they told me that the VOIP wont work on my phone untill Sprint upgrade the network speed, the only thing that we can use rigth now is there messenger! and if start to work you need to open an account and pay there rates. Go to and let me know if there is a possible fix for this! :buba_phone:
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DOESN'T WORK On Sprint Touch, the Skype site facts will tell you that the Phone feature only work on the 3G Network, doesn't work for CDMA or GSM, I'd the Test and I'did call to Skype, and they told me that the VOIP wont work on my phone untill Sprint upgrade the network speed, the only thing that we can use rigth now is there messenger! and if start to work you need to open an account and pay there rates. Go to and let me know if there is a possible fix for this! :buba_phone:

I dont' think you have a grasp of what you have just stated and I don't know why Dash would thank you without correcting problem though, allow me to explain:

CDMA: stands for Code Division Multiple Access. Both data and voice are separated from signals using codes and then transmited using a wide frequency range. Because of this, there are more space left for data transfer (this was one of the reasons why CDMA is the prefered technology for the 3G generation, which is broadband access and the use of big multimedia messages). For the 3G generation CDMA uses 1x EV-DO and EV-DV.
GSM: stands for Global System Mobile. Even though it is sold as "the latest technology" in several countries, this technology is older than CDMA (and also TDMA). But keep in mind that this doesn't mean that GSM is inferior or worse than CDMA. GSM is the most used cell phone technology in the world.

3G technologies enable network operators to offer users a wider range of more advanced services while achieving greater network capacity through improved spectral efficiency. CDMA, GSM, and even older networks such TDMA are the networks that carriers use and 3G is what you would call the technology that allows for faster data speeds, streaming, transferring of messages, and a host of other improvements. That is why Verizon and Sprint who both operate on CDMA and have been using 3G for some time now are the top networks when it comes to data and that is exactly why AT&T has started to implement the 3G technology on alot more of their new phones, especially the Windows Mobile ones and I'm sure T-Mobile will eventually follow suit. Sprint is probably the only carrier who continues to push the envelope on better data speeds and are looking to push 4G. AT&T and T-Mobile are companies that work on the GSM network and have predominantly both used EDGE for their data. So when Skype says that it will only work on 3G, they want people to know with handsets that are not 3G capable that skype will not work, this will mainly be a problem with T-Mobile and almost all of AT&T as I have stated in their limited availability of 3G handsets. So skype will in fact work with the Mogul, I have friends in AUSTRALIA, EUROPE, and AFRICA and I have communicated with them through skype mobile. Granted I have not used my skype in about 4 months, but it did work via the mogul and via speakerphone, I can up my cab files to a thread if you like...I would have to find them because I have a few copies.
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Like I said before, I have not used my skype in a while, but I have found a few cab and pc install files for skype...I am very busy right now and as I don't have time to try them all out...I will just load them in a rapidshare file and post them within this thread...and you tell me your findings.
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I had the version that worked for Touch and all, but I did a Hard Reset a month or two ago, so I can't remember the exact one(version), but I think it's on my micro sd, so I'll take a look a little later and repost with the file. Their is only one version that truelly worked. Thanks.
true older version works. use it all the time with my sprint touch on alltel rom now with evdo rev A and gps it works better.

That's good to know, because I knew it worked and I just upgraded to Windows Mobile 6.1, Rev A and GPS last night... finally gave in :) So, if it works better then thats good info, thanks.
hey forty direct me to yo rom. wanna try wm6.1 plus da rom I have doesn't include java

Mustan-Tech - WM6.1 v3 (with GPS & Rev. A)

Smart Phone Evolution (AMJ Bulletin) / Customize your Phone / ROM RELEASES (Supported)

or Search for Mustan-Tech

It was a good start and have been adding all my additional programs with good success so far. Good Luck.
I dont' think you have a grasp of what you have just stated and I don't know why Dash would thank you without correcting problem though, allow me to explain:

CDMA: stands for Code Division Multiple Access. Both data and voice are separated from signals using codes and then transmited using a wide frequency range. Because of this, there are more space left for data transfer (this was one of the reasons why CDMA is the prefered technology for the 3G generation, which is broadband access and the use of big multimedia messages). For the 3G generation CDMA uses 1x EV-DO and EV-DV.
GSM: stands for Global System Mobile. Even though it is sold as "the latest technology" in several countries, this technology is older than CDMA (and also TDMA). But keep in mind that this doesn't mean that GSM is inferior or worse than CDMA. GSM is the most used cell phone technology in the world.

3G technologies enable network operators to offer users a wider range of more advanced services while achieving greater network capacity through improved spectral efficiency. CDMA, GSM, and even older networks such TDMA are the networks that carriers use and 3G is what you would call the technology that allows for faster data speeds, streaming, transferring of messages, and a host of other improvements. That is why Verizon and Sprint who both operate on CDMA and have been using 3G for some time now are the top networks when it comes to data and that is exactly why AT&T has started to implement the 3G technology on alot more of their new phones, especially the Windows Mobile ones and I'm sure T-Mobile will eventually follow suit. Sprint is probably the only carrier who continues to push the envelope on better data speeds and are looking to push 4G. AT&T and T-Mobile are companies that work on the GSM network and have predominantly both used EDGE for their data. So when Skype says that it will only work on 3G, they want people to know with handsets that are not 3G capable that skype will not work, this will mainly be a problem with T-Mobile and almost all of AT&T as I have stated in their limited availability of 3G handsets. So skype will in fact work with the Mogul, I have friends in AUSTRALIA, EUROPE, and AFRICA and I have communicated with them through skype mobile. Granted I have not used my skype in about 4 months, but it did work via the mogul and via speakerphone, I can up my cab files to a thread if you like...I would have to find them because I have a few copies.
Thanks for the info, look's that you're good on the copy and paste info, good class,you know how to use Google! I'm just trying to find out how to use it, if you can help just say how and will be appreciated It's good to learn something new every day!, the old version works better on the Touch, thanks for your help!:40:
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hey guys...I know dash doesn't use skype but i can't get any versions to work anymore...even the beta that used to says skype could not start everytime i try to launch the program...any ideas
hey guys...I know dash doesn't use skype but i can't get any versions to work anymore...even the beta that used to says skype could not start everytime i try to launch the program...any ideas

i have the same problem it happen when i upgrade rom to newer version