Sms Bomber/spammer

im trying to get this program, but the link doesnt have it anymore. anyway anybody could reup the link? thanks
Doesn't PowerSMS allow you to group text an unlimited amount of contacts as well? I apologize if I appear to be knocking the current thread. I'm trying to limit the amount of redundant applications applied. Feel me?!
sorry but the new site did not work
sorry but the new site did not work

thats this site and the link does work... please bro did you look at the email you received from us? did you read the rules? did you read the noob guide like you were supposed to? did you look at the intro thread where we told you the info that you will need to know? take a look at the last link in my signature below and sign up for the group members software than give us time to approve you and you will be good to go......
trend micro found this as a virus on my computer just as an fyi

well i dont read anything with nod32 what-so-ever...... nod32 has never failed me wrong and it doesnt seem that any other users are having the virus/ trojan problem with the app.