ADMIN-Watch what you say!
Alright guys, here is the scoop. The title pretty much says it all! AMJ has been working behind the scenes to launch an accessory site exclusively for media devices. I say media devices as there will be accessories for any device. For example, iPod, cell phones, flash drives, memory cards, etc. We are going to have some unique products that you wont find on common accessory sites. With that being said, there will be all types of style accessories to accommodate all users. For example, we all know the term "you pay for what you get" or "quality not quantity". This means affordable for all users with cases and car changers at different prices, based off of the quality of a product. We at AMJ are excited to announce an experience of not only gaining knowledge for your device, but to be able to make that device look good on the outside, as well as on the inside. AMJ accessories is and will be your ONE STOP SHOP for accessories! We are hoping to launch this accessories site within the next 60-90 days at the most. I am giving you guys a heads up now and appreciate ANY FEEDBACK you may have. This is your opinion and NO ONE will knock you for having one. So please, your honest input is greatly appreciated. Feel free to ask questions on this topic and we will try and answer them. THIS SITE WILL HAVE EVERYHING.......from antennas with lights to changing the TRACKBALL color on a Blackberry.
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nice bro cant wait so i dont have to buy expensive crap from VZW anymore cuz nobody acrries anything for my omnia except vzw and samsung......whos in charge of it and if you need help let me know ill help where i can.....text me if you want me to pitch in any way brother
word jew and thanks for getting this post up. i have been talking to jew quite a bit this past day or so on the details of this and this is going to be a very nice feature that you cant go wrong with.... all the stuff that will be there even dates back into the 90's for the old farts that dont want to update their ancient devices and electronics. all of this will be fairly priced and in the future if works good theres the possibility of actually having a true AMJ sandisk card, battery ocvers, skins, puches, etc...... lets hear the thoughts both good and bad on this
Im totally game for this, i can even get more members to join even if its not to mod theres phones but just to buy from us.. im sure while they look around they eventualy flash, but i have 1 question.. is there a possiblity of going so far as to sell the actual PHONES? i know we have raffles but what about the ppl who cant get a good price on a phone?? or is that pushin it to far ?? i mean some of u work for sprint and im sure know u might know some one who knows some one.. even if its just for staff
Yeah this sounds like a good idea and I'm sure will jump off with a bang. I know we already have a classified section as far as selling and trading etc, but this takes it to another lever for sure. Looking forward to it. I have a few connections right now being as I work for Sprint but I believe this will be good to many others and I may use this as my new place for shopping so I'm anxious to take a look and will also send thousands of other people this way that come into my Sprint Store.... man, is there any kind of bonus or perk by referring people, lol, like if they were sent by you and make a purchase...just curious. Either way it's not about the money for me, I'm a AMJ supporter to the fullest and will do anything I can to help the site. I recommend and direct at least 5 to 10 people a day to this site so the more this site has to offer the better. It's already a one stop shop, now this....man, AMJ is gonna take over the world...lol... Anything I can do let me know, I am 100% all for this as I'm sure many others are as well.
word jew and thanks for getting this post up. i have been talking to jew quite a bit this past day or so on the details of this and this is going to be a very nice feature that you cant go wrong with.... all the stuff that will be there even dates back into the 90's for the old farts that dont want to update their ancient devices and electronics. all of this will be fairly priced and in the future if works good theres the possibility of actually having a true AMJ sandisk card, battery ocvers, skins, puches, etc...... lets hear the thoughts both good and bad on this

This is a GREAT idea. Having a custom anyting with an AMJ logo would not only advertise the site but look hot doing it. It's free advertising that can't go wrong.