[ANNOUNCEMENT] Spj has hit it big!!! Get the details here

well of course after a double shift of flashing over 1000 touch pros over again to fix some problems with the device, i get the call and the ticket in my email..... so now im back in grand rapids right now getting ready to do my tech trends here with fox in right bout and hours and fifteen minutes...... i guess time to shower up and than once i get don with that will have a couple errands to run and should be back on the net at around 7:00 or so to catch back up here :> wish me luck and ill tell you when it will air so you can watch it on fox17.com and i will also post here as well as youtube.
Re: Spj has hit it big Get the details here

i got this youtube message and guess who is going to be getting flown back to grand rapids , mi to do tech trends? D/\SH from AMJ!!!!



J/K - congrats D/\SH!
Re: Spj has hit it big Get the details here

I am truly happy for you and all the staff member's efforts. I believe there is no luck in good...hard work. Most deserving you are. With the proper energy and focus...your/the site is boundless...!
Re: Spj has hit it big Get the details here

no shit, CONGRATS DASHY, can't wait to see the vid on youtube.......keep us posted!!!

you deserve it and I know you will represent AMJ to the fullest extent

GO DASHY.............
OMG I want to COME... :O

hahhahahahahah thanks guys and its all good tigerz i got your sister jessie on my side :>

and just to let you guys know it did go great but not sure what is going to be used and all since it was constant filming and they are gonna cut from there :< but im hoping cause i made a shout out to all staff and the members because you are what makes us great :>

and to find more out on jessie you can look here :>
Re: Spj has hit it big Get the details here

hahhahahahahah thanks guys and its all good tigerz i got your sister jessie on my side :>

and just to let you guys know it did go great but not sure what is going to be used and all since it was constant filming and they are gonna cut from there :< but im hoping cause i made a shout out to all staff and the members because you are what makes us great :>

and to find more out on jessie you can look here :>

Congrats d^sh =:yahoo:
OH SHIT! THE CATS OUT OF THE BAG! we all know ur that villan from heros..ROMALOL!! once its out well have all kinds of programers asking u to stop posting there apps/programs.. haters! plus all kinda spys..
OH SHIT! THE CATS OUT OF THE BAG! we all know ur that villan from heros..ROMALOL!! once its out well have all kinds of programers asking u to stop posting there apps/programs.. haters! plus all kinda spys..

naw we will be fine i talked to the reporter that hosts the show and hes also a member here and loves it so we took legal steps for the radio station to so nothing will happen to either side :>
nice. the interview shouldv taken place only showing the back of ur head, in the dark and scramble ur vioce... lol! how does the interview start? "HEY EVERY ONE ITS UR BOY DASH..."
nice. the interview shouldv taken place only showing the back of ur head, in the dark and scramble ur vioce... lol! how does the interview start? "HEY EVERY ONE ITS UR BOY DASH..."

hahahahhahahahaha for sure that would have been great :> but i did wear a bright ass lime green androidmobilejunkie shirt :>
NICE! nothing grabs ur attention like a lime green shirt... id go naked as long as id be repping... so my boy has his own monthly magazine that has to do with music/art and other lil shit.. but i was telling him id do what i can graphics wise and aside from paying me i askd for a link to AMJ and rep us in the mag... hes trying to figure out how he can add phone modding to a music mag but as long as he needs help ill see what i can do on the westcoast..