[ANNOUNCEMENT] Spj has hit it big!!! Get the details here

hahahahaha will be posted when it airs guys :> im pretty stoked jsut a little nervous about hjow they are going to edit it.... i hopet hey didnt cut out the part when i tell everyone that the iphone is overated and that im the biggest iphone hater that ever lived :>
Re: Spj has hit it big Get the details here

hahahahaha will be posted when it airs guys :> im pretty stoked jsut a little nervous about hjow they are going to edit it.... i hopet hey didnt cut out the part when i tell everyone that the iphone is overated and that im the biggest iphone hater that ever lived :>
lol. they probably did... the news shows what they want to show not what the people want to see...
Re: Spj has hit it big Get the details here

lol. they probably did... the news shows what they want to show not what the people want to see...

exactly but i talked to christian frank not too long ago and it came out really good.... only took us about 20 minutes of filming and we were done..... went very smoothly :>
Re: Spj has hit it big Get the details here

will be airing some time in november.

i dunno y but i just thought of dash being like those ppl on the radio/tv wit endless amount of shout-outs "oh yea i wanna give a shout out too......(endless amount of ppl)" hahahahaha congrats again
Re: Spj has hit it big Get the details here

i dunno y but i just thought of dash being like those ppl on the radio/tv wit endless amount of shout-outs "oh yea i wanna give a shout out too......(endless amount of ppl)" hahahahaha congrats again

hahahhahaa i know for sure.
Re: Spj has hit it big Get the details here

I'm talking about using youtube ir something like that and posting the vid here. Just thinking of something to set us way apart from the others
The face of AMJ D/\SH lol

hahahahha weekly news cast..... what would be talked about every week..... if there was like a hot new interface every week than i would be down but too bad that there isnt :< if you can get some ideas on getting it up and running feel more than free to post a thread in the staff area and we will see if we can get the rough edges worked out.