[READ ME] SPJ T-shirts

i would just like to give you guys some feed back. first off i'd def buy a shirt. 2nd all these members but people don't know about this idea. i would like a shirt and i'm on here usually a couple times a day and this is the first time i've looked at this thread. i've seen it, i've even said "i'll have to look into that tshirt thread." but this is the first time i actually read the post. i've been coming on here almost everyday for months but i'm still figuring out how to get around on the site and i'm sure i've only tapped into maybe 20% of it. i look in certain areas for certain stuff. my suggestion would be to put a picture of a shirt (even if it's not a shirt you're actually selling) on every page, like the "pocket pcsource site" label in the top left. or the donation star and the twitter bird, that elboriyorker was so kind to move after the smallest uproar from a few members. if people see the shirt they will be more interested than if they have to stumble across the thread. that's just the one cent i have to offer.

--------- New Post Merged on 16/7/2009 at 06:20:33 --------

i also, originally, blew right by the voting part trying to scroll down too quickly to start reading the thread. caught it and voted on the second time through.
yeah we will be needing some designs made and all first before we can even make them, i do like the idea though of the picture were the twitter and donate tabs are. (any way that we can get the donate to be a full circle and not cut off elboriyorker? i guess we will see what elboriyorker says since he is the server boss hahahah, i like it though for sure :)
no designs guys? come on i thught someone for sure would ahve a design that we could go off of for the t-shirts?

lol im back and yes im bring this topic back!!! lol
well i hope some good graphic artist can come up with a good t-shirt design to get this great idea up and running.... i mean if D/\SH i going to open up a cell shop !!! lol may be it can be both t-shirt and cell shop !! lol....!!!

T-Shirts Vectors Graphics

09 EPS Files | JPG Preview
File Size 5.59 MB | RS | DF | HF

Re AMJ Tshirts

lol im back and yes im bring this topic back!!! lol
well i hope some good graphic artist can come up with a good t-shirt design to get this great idea up and running.... i mean if D/\SH i going to open up a cell shop !!! lol may be it can be both t-shirt and cell shop !! lol....!!!

T-Shirts Vectors Graphics

09 EPS Files | JPG Preview
File Size 5.59 MB | RS | DF | HF


interesting....i would like a new AMJ shirt, my old one is fading
Re: Re AMJ Tshirts

interesting....i would like a new AMJ shirt, my old one is fading

i can get them made for cheap and been trying to find someone to make them up.... i know probey is trying and knows my ideas but he is a hella busy man and may not have time. im trying to brush up my skills with photoshop but not coming to my liking.,,, gonna keep trying cause the mogul is a little outdated hahaa
I like this idea and I can probably get someone to do this cheap. I'll have to make some phone calls. I do want something creative. I want to represent, but also want this clean. I'll report back :)
OK got my vote for the shirt .... do we have designs for it or do we need to get creative ????

as we have been fighting for already in this thread we need designs.... i dont have the skill in photoshop to make one that looks good and many people say that have idfeas and never post up what they look like so went nowhere. so if we wanna get this started start posting up designs in this thread and i or the staff will update to the first post and than hold a vote for which one/s get used.
i will try and get some up cause i got the SKILZZ but damit i need to hard reset my computer. lol... and then re-install CS3... my comp is hella old so like my phone... a hard reset always makes things faster ;)
Re AMJ Tshirts

how the hell did i miss this post?, I want a shirt too, and i was just thinking, for all the photoshopers experts out there, why don't we have them come up with their own designs, and then all members vote to pick the best design, and free shirt for the winner?
how the hell did i miss this post?, I want a shirt too, and i was just thinking, for all the photoshopers experts out there, why don't we have them come up with their own designs, and then all members vote to pick the best design, and free shirt for the winner?

thats what we have been discussign and decided on already in this thread.... and as we said we need someone to make them so far we have none made.
still waiting on those shirts...........less chatter more printing. I want one in black and one in red to start with.

hahaha once we get a design my man... if im not mistakingy ou used to maker some pretty nice ones back in the day didnt you?
Re AMJ Tshirts

if im not mistakingy ou used to maker some pretty nice ones back in the day didnt you?

ha ha !!!!
there it is every one thanks to fanaticny and his good skills
he will come up with a good design
for AMJ tshirts!!!
thanks man hope you get done soon
i really want to see what you come up with thanks man!!!
Re Re AMJ Tshirts

ha ha !!!!
there it is every one thanks to fanaticny and his good skills
he will come up with a good design
for AMJ tshirts!!!
thanks man hope you get done soon
i really want to see what you come up with thanks man!!!

me what? im confused