Ok as requested I have made a tsk file to match the AMJ S2U2 skin I made Im including the larger metal clock for the HTC home customizer just drag the unzipped PROBEX-metal folder into your HTC home customizer clocks folder on your phone. Then move the .tsk file to your My Documents folder on your phone. then on your phone click start icon settings personal today select theme "AMJ-by-probex" and then in your htc home customizer select my metal clock. for a background I have just selected transparent or guzu guzu or whatever you prefer.... the chick looks extra sexy in landscape mode. enjoy all.
Update I have added 2 new metal clocks Metal clock 3 is the one I recommend... I was not happy with the first 2... lol
Update I have added 2 new metal clocks Metal clock 3 is the one I recommend... I was not happy with the first 2... lol
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