i've been customizing dudes phones for about ayear in a half,sprint,vzw,alltel,att,and the list goes on,true story,vzw may not come out with phones first or may not put out the software updates as fast as others but when it comes to the network where it really matters vzw shits on any provider, im mean my sprint customers r still paying roaming charges and and now 2008 u guys can finally send pix finally.So my girl got sprint and she always tryn 2 call customer service and its always bouncing off a vzw tower its funny shit to call sprint *2 and get vzw customer service besides u can't front i know u seen the gay ass commercials for the instinct lol,sprints o.k. and with the rev.a and radio versions u guys was flashing that alltel 3.37 before a sprint 3.42 dont get it twisted,and i do believe alltel is affiliated w/ vzw and im fully awhare what kaos means when he says FUCK SPRINT,and those credits you be gettin playboy i haven't paid a cellphone bill since march fuck credits i'll show u how to get a monthly invoice credited back lol,TRUE STORY,and oh yea that diamond pushback is real-talk i hope it comes out on original date but who really gives a fuck all the diamond shit going on in the forums,y would anyone want it plus i think the diamond will be alot of users last wm device,stick with the Touch Pro n my opinion If i have offended anybody in the above i dont mean to, I'M JUST TALKIN TA YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:brows: