I'm taking mine in to the store an hour drive away on Friday. Honestly a TP2 would be nice, but more to the point, I just want a phone that WORKS. Not one I have to trick into doing what I want by cloak and daggers. Doing more research told me that the oil slick thing, and the backlight staying on after phone shut off isn't normal. He'll I've been living with that for over a month, not thinking anything of it. A repaired TP is fine. However I won't downgrade, I paid for my phone full retail, and don't like that I feel jipped. What matters to me is having a working phone that does what I need to do, when I need to. Without it I'm hurting at work, and in my personal life. I'm leery though with all the people making claims now, or hex editing their phone to make it bad. I mean seriously, if it works then all you want is the next toy. If all you want is the new toy, buy one. Even at full retail. But hacking a perfectly functional phone to make it not work, so you can get a new phone you have no guarantee works better? That just seems off.