Sprint replacing Touch Pro with Touch Pro2

Re Sprint replacing Touch Pro with Touch Pro2

Hey guys im going to sprint store to get my tp replaced , i call *2 talked to a rep who about how this was my third replacement , he called my sprint store which i go to , spoke to a manager and the manager said he would replace it , i asked if thier were phones that had the same value as the TOUCH PRO he said yes BLACKBERRY TOUR , PALM PRE , and others but did not mention the TP2 so what would u guys reccommmend that i do so i can get the TP2 ? thanks
Re Re Sprint replacing Touch Pro with Touch Pro2

Hey guys im going to sprint store to get my tp replaced , i call *2 talked to a rep who about how this was my third replacement , he called my sprint store which i go to , spoke to a manager and the manager said he would replace it , i asked if thier were phones that had the same value as the TOUCH PRO he said yes BLACKBERRY TOUR , PALM PRE , and others but did not mention the TP2 so what would u guys reccommmend that i do so i can get the TP2 ? thanks

you might have to get another pro if they dont have the tp2, i had hell with my store and finally after b*thchin and complaining about the same issues and going through like 9 or 10 pros casue of that, lost count...lol. Just tell them ur gettin sick of the bs. worked for me.
Re: Re Sprint replacing Touch Pro with Touch Pro2

Hey guys im going to sprint store to get my tp replaced , i call *2 talked to a rep who about how this was my third replacement , he called my sprint store which i go to , spoke to a manager and the manager said he would replace it , i asked if thier were phones that had the same value as the TOUCH PRO he said yes BLACKBERRY TOUR , PALM PRE , and others but did not mention the TP2 so what would u guys reccommmend that i do so i can get the TP2 ? thanks

or you can get the pre and sell it or trade for a tp2.... the pre still fetches a pretty penny on ebay and you get 5 free listings a month now :)
Re Re Sprint replacing Touch Pro with Touch Pro2

or you can get the pre and sell it or trade for a tp2.... the pre still fetches a pretty penny on ebay and you get 5 free listings a month now :)

Yeah so I tell my friend about TP2 he goes an burns out his Pro pick a store out at randoms , goes into the store says my pro does not work at all.... They look at said yep we will give another Pro. He tells them no dont want that back.... They offer him Tour , Curve , Dash an some other phone.... He says what about TP2. They tell him if you want to wait we will order one for you..... I was like What Hell his first Pro and gets one !!!!!!!!!!!
Well after talking with the sprint tech once again, (she was actually really quite nice for a first) she said that the touch pro 2 is on back order for 14 weeks, which could be true. Well in 14 weeks the manufacturers' warranty will be off of my phone. So I think I am going to bite the bullet and settle for a different phone, or get another pro. I was actually thinking of picking up the Moment when in comes on the market.
Re Sprint replacing Touch Pro with Touch Pro2

I found out it all depends on the sprint store. I tried getting my TP replaced with a TP2 from my local sprint store and they told me that they would put me on a waiting list then they called a week later and said it was on indefinite back order and I would have to pick from the 4 phones that everyone else has been offered on here. So I told them forget that because none of the phones compared to the pro. So I looked up all the sprint stores in my area and found out that the one i was dealing with was a third party store so I called the nearest actual sprint store and they ordered me the TP2 with no problem and I picked it up the next day!
Re Sprint replacing Touch Pro with Touch Pro2

Central florida second replacment went into authorized service center the guy says ok looks like there getting you the option to pick another phone, and he gave me the offers but no touch pro 2 i could see the list it was on there but it had a no next to it. So to please him i went through the phones with him and we figured they were not comparable. He then showed me the tp2 and said this is the new one they are not having any issues with it. So I asked can I just get replaced with that since it is the comparable model. He said no they did in the begining but have since not allowed it any more, Anyway he ordered me a tp. Now if this on does not work would I be better off going to the corporate repair center?? Thanks
hey guys my slider took a poop on my 5th touch pro! I called and spoke to advance replacements. they told me since i have had so many problems with the phone they can offer me different phones through the wellness program because this phone has many known issues. they offer me the usual 3 and i tell them they are not comparable and would rather have another touch pro. they said I could try to take it to a repair center as they have more leverage in what phones they offer and that he would notate the account. went to store...they offered the same three. I told them to order me another touch pro. They went and got a manager and she asked me if there was another phone that i feel wpuld be comparable. I told her that my wife has a TP2 and it was really solid and had no problems (thanks to juicy R1 :) ) and she said that the touch pro 2 IS A CHOICE and she would order me a touch pro 2 to satisfy the issue. DONE!
Central florida second replacment went into authorized service center the guy says ok looks like there getting you the option to pick another phone, and he gave me the offers but no touch pro 2 i could see the list it was on there but it had a no next to it. So to please him i went through the phones with him and we figured they were not comparable. He then showed me the tp2 and said this is the new one they are not having any issues with it. So I asked can I just get replaced with that since it is the comparable model. He said no they did in the begining but have since not allowed it any more, Anyway he ordered me a tp. Now if this on does not work would I be better off going to the corporate repair center?? Thanks

yes if the new one ois bad than go to a corporate repair center and give it a shot. keep trying this is something that you will have to do that on... try different stores if possible as well as different times

hey guys my slider took a poop on my 5th touch pro! I called and spoke to advance replacements. they told me since i have had so many problems with the phone they can offer me different phones through the wellness program because this phone has many known issues. they offer me the usual 3 and i tell them they are not comparable and would rather have another touch pro. they said I could try to take it to a repair center as they have more leverage in what phones they offer and that he would notate the account. went to store...they offered the same three. I told them to order me another touch pro. They went and got a manager and she asked me if there was another phone that i feel wpuld be comparable. I told her that my wife has a TP2 and it was really solid and had no problems (thanks to juicy R1 :) ) and she said that the touch pro 2 IS A CHOICE and she would order me a touch pro 2 to satisfy the issue. DONE!

congrats! the tp2 is kick ass
ok so day two of the big fight. well they are offering me the snap or the treo pro, i told them they were not comprable but they said sprint is doing me a favor cause they did not have to do this for me. they also said it is up to the store manager if they want to offer me a tp2 or hero but prob would not cause it would be considered an upgrade, so i am still on the losing side and made no decissions yet. now what?????
well i just found out that my store did away with the tp2 on the list all together. im glad i got mine when i did cause i be stuck with the pro, lol
Re Sprint replacing Touch Pro with Touch Pro2

Just be a pain in their collective butts... eventually, the mgr will hopefully get fed up with you enough to give you the TP2.
ok so i told them i need to research the phones before i make my choice which we know is neither the snap or treo pro, so i told i will get back with them. should i have my wife get on their butts. they say they are not entilted to do any swap with me cause the phone is passed thirty days old since the last refurb they gave me in september. and they said that its completely up to the store manager to make that choice to give me whatever, i said the snap is not even touch screen and the trep or snap does not have a slider keyboard.
Well first i called asurion and they spoke with there suporvisor and saw how many replacements i got then decided they will give me the pro 2 for 100 and i was like cool but today i was near a sprint store and stopped by complained told them i knew other people who got if for free if freezes alot and alot of hard resets so they took me and my moms phone we came back 20 mins later the guy said we ordered you guy more pros i said WHAT!!!! he said what its the pro 2 so about 40 mins got me a new phone
Re Sprint replacing Touch Pro with Touch Pro2

yeah right!!! why would they do that if asurion is all ready dealing with you?

A Sprint Repair store and Asurion are different.... If you where to call Asurion an them i need a replace. But had gone to a store before that an they order you one , they wouldn't know. I almost did it myself went to a store they order me a new tp an then i called asurion next seeing if they would do it for tp2. They said it would be TP an you have to pay 100. I could have had 2 of them haha
I had to take my tp in to the repair center here because the screen stopes working bad connection or something well when he got it fixed it wouldn't sync or charge so offered a replacement well the tp2 was on the list but out of stock and I needed a phone so they swapped it out for another tp this was my first replacement I hope my keyboard starts failing so I can go back and get them to order one instead so it's still an option