sprint sucks

Yeah, the service center has a pathetic dummy TP2 & that's it. I'm not even sure it's supposed to be a display because it rubbery & uber-cheap. It actually reminds me of some of the toys you get in a Happy Meal... Yeah, so what.. I still eat Happy Meals. Big deal!
other than the phone prices for current customers sprint offer now the best plans like mobile to mobile, I been waiting for this for a long time I now hardly use any of my alotted minutes.
other than the phone prices for current customers sprint offer now the best plans like mobile to mobile, I been waiting for this for a long time I now hardly use any of my alotted minutes.

that is untrue... price for price stacking up with others t-mobile has the best plans right now, not only are they cheap with project dark that has been talked around about it quite a bit but also there is no need for a contract!
That Mobile Everything plan only works if you don't have multiple phones on the same plan. We have shared minutes between two phones, but data on only one. You can't "add a line" with the Mobile Everything plan. Bummer.
How can this be possible, net says sprint is a b+ customer service now surpassing att. not speaking for anyone but me, sprint has always done me right with offering me up to dates plans(not phones) and giving me discounts cause i told them my brother gets a better deal then me. to me sprint offers the best plans and service and i have had tmobile, att, and sprint within 12 years. they just need to work on those phones and pricing for current customers cause premier staus is not enough.