[MUST-READ] Sprint To Match Verizon Price On TP2


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ok guys i D/\SH got a call from my buddy who works for sprint that i used to work with over at the corporaste office. all sprint reps got an email today stating that if asked by the customer they can match the verizon price on the tp2. this is great news and if you have already ordered it you can just get credits placed on your account to help offset the balance... all you have to do is call customer service and they will get it taken care of for you. lets see the success start to roll in and post your results here... i know people at ppcgeeks have got this to work successfully already when i searched google and found there thread to make sure my boy wasnt bullshitting hahaha...... im gonna give sprint a call and get me one for my other line that i have through them which is my sero line.

OK, some get this some have no success, kind of depends on who you were talking to over the phone. if you dont get it right away hang up and call back so you get someone else and dont waste your time... i didnt have any luck after 4 hours than gave it one more shot using the 1877-755-4886 number.... jsut tell them what was said in the first post on how you want to do this and such and you will be good to go... on my final attempt of the day this number and these people were very helpful and gave me what i wanted on my sero account which was the tp2 and i got it for 50 bucks since i had 150 dollar upgrade... if you get stressed out and they dont give it to you just wait until october 1st since thats the day that this drop will become official in the price.... any questions feel free to ask and please remember to post your resutls.
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this kicks ass too bad best buy wont do it probably ... and i dont have an upgrade on my line only on another line good news though glad to hear they are payin attencion
This is good info. I figured I would be able to bargain with my status and connection. Always have, but this makes things that much easier and less lengthy phone calls ;)
Gonna get on i tonight bro i did see this on ppcgeeks but didnt think it was true .Looks like ill be buying another tp2 lol

This is good info. I figured I would be able to bargain with my status and connection. Always have, but this makes things that much easier and less lengthy phone calls ;)

ok some people are having luck and others arent i will add this information to the first psot as well in an edit form...

OK, some get this some have no success, kind of depends on who you were talking to over the phone. if you dont get it right away hang up and call back so you get someone else and dont waste your time... i didnt have any luck after 4 hours than gave it one more shot using the 1877-755-4886 number.... jsut tell them what was said in the first post on how you want to do this and such and you will be good to go... on my final attempt of the day this number and these people were very helpful and gave me what i wanted on my sero account which was the tp2 and i got it for 50 bucks since i had 150 dollar upgrade... if you get stressed out and they dont give it to you just wait until october 1st since thats the day that this drop will become official in the price.... any questions feel free to ask and please remember to post your resutls.
Man , I might be getting this sooner than I thought! I've gotten attached to my Palm Pre though so it's kinda like hmmm what to do. But, I am gonna be trading my Pre most likely for the Hero to someone, So I can use my upgrade for this TP2 and have the hero and the TP2 and then I won't care about missing my Pre so much, lol.... This pre is just so simple to use and has things that no other phone can do. I'm gonna miss the multitasking for sure... but the Hero can do it with full flash support and 5mpxl cam/camcorder so I have toi d it
ok some people are having luck and others arent i will add this information to the first psot as well in an edit form...

OK, some get this some have no success, kind of depends on who you were talking to over the phone. if you dont get it right away hang up and call back so you get someone else and dont waste your time... i didnt have any luck after 4 hours than gave it one more shot using the 1877-755-4886 number.... jsut tell them what was said in the first post on how you want to do this and such and you will be good to go... on my final attempt of the day this number and these people were very helpful and gave me what i wanted on my sero account which was the tp2 and i got it for 50 bucks since i had 150 dollar upgrade... if you get stressed out and they dont give it to you just wait until october 1st since thats the day that this drop will become official in the price.... any questions feel free to ask and please remember to post your resutls.

Good update Dash. Others who have experienced this definitely need to make sure you post results, so we can correct information passed to all AMJ's. What goes around comes around. So, what you put in will be coming around just as you received. $50 is sick, that's a ridiculously great price to have to pay $$$ out for a TP2. I figured maybe $200 after the $150 rebate. Results like this keep that hope alive ;) Good luck to all others going in this direction.
Mine is gunna be for the FREE cause I paid a little more for my TP cause I paid for it before my upgrade, I paid full price for it and now I am returning it within the 30 period. YAYYYYYYYYY! I get it for the FREE!
Mine is gunna be for the FREE cause I paid a little more for my TP cause I paid for it before my upgrade, I paid full price for it and now I am returning it within the 30 period. YAYYYYYYYYY! I get it for the FREE!

CONGRATS!!!!! and trust me you will love it for sure :)