What's up Guys! For once I feel like I get to make a nice contribution to this site! I just happen to work for an outsourcing company. My site just happens to handle customer service for Sprint so we get the latest and greatest information as soon as it comes out. I, like must of us, have been fiending for the TP2 to release since the playbook got leaked. Well I believe that I can ease everyone's pain. Foregoing any unexpected delays, I found in our Device Launch Calendar just today {I've been checking on a daily basis since June} and the Touch Pro 2 is scheduled to be released on 09/08/09! This is reliable information. If I can find a way to get a screenshot without getting into any lgal trouble, I'll post it as soon as I can. I will also keep everyone informed if any thing changes as for the release. Keep in mind, I cannot be for sure as to whether or not this will be the national launch date or a pre release launch for business markets or telesales. Won't have that info until closer to the actual launch, but again...I will keep you all informed as new info arises.