Sprint Touch Pro 2 Specs released

man that battery door looks like it came all the way here from the Vietnam war and shit. looks like something my grandfather kept in his shed outside underneath all his welding gear for scrap. horrible! I will def be changing the looks of that asap if that is what we getting. as far as the tilt goes, I believe it is pretty stable but the batt door has to go!
the tilt on the screen is osmething that htc has mastered and it works fine..... its not really loose where it will wiggle or slowly fall down due to gravity pushing on it.... they are usually made with pre-tigtened and bent springs and hinges that wont loosen worth shit untoil years later...... i trust them and will be getting one since th ebattery cover can be changed as well as the boring theme.... but remember the theme has a chance to change still lots of tim,e and the saame goes for the battery cover sicne we arent sure this is what they are going to add and why go red o nthe basck? still doesnt make sense to me
I could imagine refurb TP2 would have some problems in the future due to the hinge. But the tilt option is nice though for watching/sharing sharing a video on the table with your buds.. or just yourself :D Oh well.. time will tell...
What's up Guys! For once I feel like I get to make a nice contribution to this site! I just happen to work for an outsourcing company. My site just happens to handle customer service for Sprint so we get the latest and greatest information as soon as it comes out. I, like must of us, have been fiending for the TP2 to release since the playbook got leaked. Well I believe that I can ease everyone's pain. Foregoing any unexpected delays, I found in our Device Launch Calendar just today {I've been checking on a daily basis since June} and the Touch Pro 2 is scheduled to be released on 09/08/09! This is reliable information. If I can find a way to get a screenshot without getting into any lgal trouble, I'll post it as soon as I can. I will also keep everyone informed if any thing changes as for the release. Keep in mind, I cannot be for sure as to whether or not this will be the national launch date or a pre release launch for business markets or telesales. Won't have that info until closer to the actual launch, but again...I will keep you all informed as new info arises.
What's up Guys! For once I feel like I get to make a nice contribution to this site! I just happen to work for an outsourcing company. My site just happens to handle customer service for Sprint so we get the latest and greatest information as soon as it comes out. I, like must of us, have been fiending for the TP2 to release since the playbook got leaked. Well I believe that I can ease everyone's pain. Foregoing any unexpected delays, I found in our Device Launch Calendar just today {I've been checking on a daily basis since June} and the Touch Pro 2 is scheduled to be released on 09/08/09! This is reliable information. If I can find a way to get a screenshot without getting into any lgal trouble, I'll post it as soon as I can. I will also keep everyone informed if any thing changes as for the release. Keep in mind, I cannot be for sure as to whether or not this will be the national launch date or a pre release launch for business markets or telesales. Won't have that info until closer to the actual launch, but again...I will keep you all informed as new info arises.

sweet so on a tuesday that means..... cool thanks for the info :) and if you handle some stuff and you get me you better be nice hahahaa
i Have a quick question how long will it be until we have some unlocker application for this device and get some Custom roms for this hot ness lol like im a curious has anyone tought to have some in mind for this device or can you simply just alter the custom roms that we have already a lil so that they function well enough for everyday use on this device ?
i Have a quick question how long will it be until we have some unlocker application for this device and get some Custom roms for this hot ness lol like im a curious has anyone tought to have some in mind for this device or can you simply just alter the custom roms that we have already a lil so that they function well enough for everyday use on this device ?

well what provider are you talking and it should be out soon since the telus guys and many roms cookers in canada have now got their hands on this device so looking like oson since thread made over at pppcgeeks already waiting for it by the elitecrew.
Werd.. the hardest part of getting a new phone on release day is waiting for a rom to come out.. i mean a GOOD rom that kinda why imma wait till 1/2010 till i get mine (well that and to see if someone gets it for me for Xmas) as far as the themes, im more then sure theres threads made specialy on xda after all overseas the tp2 is out so ppl themed it minutes after getting it.. i know imm gathering up all the manila files so i can start on it ASAP
Hey what up yall, I am going to download this now and see what new things happen to my phone. NICE JOB ON THIS ONE!!
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Hey what up yall, I am going to download this now and see what new things happen to my phone. NICE JOB ON THIS ONE!!

ummmm im lost here, this is discussion on the specs of the touch pro 2 i dont think that you can download a new phone from your computer.
Ok, fellas...quick update. So far the launch is still scheduled for 09/08/09. I just talked to my mans that works at my local store, trying to get on a reserve list for the pro2. He tells me what they are hearing at his location is that the initial launch date is most likely correct, but it looks as though it will be a Direct Ship date and that it won't be available in store for a while. In other words, if you want the phone at launch you'll have to get it through telesales or the website. Not positive if care will be able to order it at direct launch as of yet, but as usual, I'll keep you all posted.
Ok, fellas...quick update. So far the launch is still scheduled for 09/08/09. I just talked to my mans that works at my local store, trying to get on a reserve list for the pro2. He tells me what they are hearing at his location is that the initial launch date is most likely correct, but it looks as though it will be a Direct Ship date and that it won't be available in store for a while. In other words, if you want the phone at launch you'll have to get it through telesales or the website. Not positive if care will be able to order it at direct launch as of yet, but as usual, I'll keep you all posted.

sweet thanks for the info and the heads up :)