Taking request


Mogul Dude Father
Hello boys and girls well i need some help and i can help you guys out. I'm tryin to touch up on some skills and i am taking request i see alot of members with no sigs so post a thread tell me what you want and i'll get to workin on it i will be making sigs a themes all day so please if you feel your welcome to even send me a Yahoo PM(today only) but i'm taking request so lets hear it!:buba_phone:
make me one if you want just with a HTC Touch,my AMJ SN and the HTC logo and im not picky on ne thing i leave all the creative juices to u lol

no prob kid please jus give me some time(few days) as i had to work overtime this week at my job so i will be needy a lil xtra time to finish sigs
yo D, you remember the siggy request i PM'ed you a while back??? LOL Hope you havent forgotten that one...
yo D, you remember the siggy request i PM'ed you a while back??? LOL Hope you havent forgotten that one...

lol yea i did soooo sorry i got burryed in work and bs so im sorry and i compelety forgot mike and i shouldn't have cuz you were a big help imma go back and re-read that pm unless u have a diffrent idea now you can PM it to me if u want something diffrent then what u wanted before so i will be working on 3 sigs Mike(who i will have to bump to 1st srry mike,Kaos(in mid process.(2nd) and Kid 3rd) so give me a week or two guys and i should be set and thanks for waiting:yahoo::yahoo:
Yo can you make me a sig too , if you can use Goku the chacater that my avatar is and then combined it with stuff from HTC or use the Mogul...... Something like Icemans sig his is sick. Thanks
Yo can you make me a sig too , if you can use Goku the chacater that my avatar is and then combined it with stuff from HTC or use the Mogul...... Something like Icemans sig his is sick. Thanks

lol yea i know goku i use to be a big DBZ fan way back i was a gohan fan (until he turn into a lil pu tang pie) Lol i will work it in there is there any form u perfer? SSj2,3?vegeto? jus was wonderin....or u kno what be funny goku and vegeta doing fusion dance and then they turn into a mogul HAHAHHA i dunno jus was trowing that in there let me kno if there is a pic that u want
lol yea i know goku i use to be a big DBZ fan way back i was a gohan fan (until he turn into a lil pu tang pie) Lol i will work it in there is there any form u perfer? SSj2,3?vegeto? jus was wonderin....or u kno what be funny goku and vegeta doing fusion dance and then they turn into a mogul HAHAHHA i dunno jus was trowing that in there let me kno if there is a pic that u want

the Goku and Vegta doing the fusion dance and turning into a mogul would be bad ass bro... lets go with that. an can you put the links for rom flashing an searching want to help the noobs lol......

--------- New Post Merged on 19/9/2008 at 11:47:19 --------

What the word on you being able to do that sig lmao ?
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