You have to set your wallpaper from the "settings"tab in tf3d. Just click the wallpaper, select "no" then browse to the "My Device" and "My Document" folder. The wallpapers will be there, just choose one.gah why doesnt my posts show up in here?
*edit* ok that was weird. I made 3 posts in here and I finally am able to post in here again.
Gah now I wish I didn't have to retype all that crap out again.
XDA developers site is where I originally found this and I love this theme.
I finally got this theme to work after realizing you have to install it to the device and not the sdcard.
Now I'm having issues getting the background image to display. All I have is a black background.
Also where is the TL file to install the lock slider?
And the throttle lock theme is attached to the first post. You will, of course, need the actual throttle lock program. Which we also have here, in the WM Applications forum.
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