[Theme] TF7X-by-PROBEX

hi guys i just have some problems with this theme. i installed and after 3 days my phone freezes cause of the devise memoiry was ****ed up.so can someone help!! how can i make the storage card my main memory on HTC touch

--------- New Post Merged on 7/3/2009 at 10:30:48 --------

and when i try to install the theme in the storage card it did not work . any solution ??
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hi guys i just have some problems with this theme. i installed and after 3 days my phone freezes cause of the devise memoiry was ****ed up.so can someone help!! how can i make the storage card my main memory on HTC touch

--------- New Post Merged on 7/3/2009 at 10:30:48 --------

and when i try to install the theme in the storage card it did not work . any solution ??

this is the wrong thread to ask about the memory card issue. search for that, or ask in the support desk. also, you are not suppose to save tf3d themes to your memory card, they go in your MAIN memory.
hi guys i just have some problems with this theme. i installed and after 3 days my phone freezes cause of the devise memoiry was ****ed up.so can someone help!! how can i make the storage card my main memory on HTC touch

--------- New Post Merged on 7/3/2009 at 10:30:48 --------

and when i try to install the theme in the storage card it did not work . any solution ??

this wont work on the touch and you have to install to the main memory.

Im instal this theme is very awesome, i instal de firs version, and now a month later a gonna instal the nuw one, but when im uninstalling it, take too much and never unintal it.

are there a other way to uninstal it?

sorry for my inglish im from mexico, and a student :D

Great job, great forum
To uninstall it just turn off TF3D first. Then uninstall... KEEP TF3D off untill you remove all the .cab files from first install.

soft reset

Keep TF3D turned off

Now install all the new TF7X white items

After installing all the new ones soft reset and turn TF3D back on.

You should be good to go.
Thanks alot, i have to use the sktools. grate theme :D

Are a way to delete the tex "current selection" from the selected tab?

thnsks again for the help
probe homie do u have anyscreen shots of the white version...before i install that version...and whats mighty rom taskbar?
White font version I attempted to update the first post but the picture would not update. Its the same as the Black font version just a couple new things like the bell.tsk one extra darker wallpaper and of coarse white fonts.

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hey probex, did you notice that your battery taskbar icon is somewhat blurry and the meter is bigger than the container??

probex in my touch pro the phone signal icon doesnt change, and the 3G icon deseapear.

are there a way to remove the activesync icon, i dont want it always there.

(and one question out of the thread, hope you can help me i try to find the solution, are there a way to put more contacts in the favorite tab?)

probex in my touch pro the phone signal icon doesnt change, and the 3G icon deseapear.

are there a way to remove the activesync icon, i dont want it always there.

(and one question out of the thread, hope you can help me i try to find the solution, are there a way to put more contacts in the favorite tab?)

the reason for that is because you are gsm..... the files will be named differently.