[Theme] TF7X-by-PROBEX

No it will uninstall just uninstall the .cabs and softreset it reverts back to your roms stock configuration [whatever it may be] the taskbar can be troublesome to uninstall but the entire theme is gone on uninstall. just remeber to deactivate TF from today screen first.
Another quick question if i already have a custom taskbar and custom theme and clock should i unistall all of it before i try 2 put this theme on my phone .thanks
very nice and thanks for the email buddy :> got all downloaded and will be installing later tonight to give it a look around.... still loving the orange though :>
I did install last and I just reinstalled and it didn't work again. 9 sicks made me a custom text last night and I wonder if that is effecting it?

the START ICON and 'WAIT CURSOR' are stored in the SHELLRES.192.DLL.0409.MUI. the word 'START' is in the SHELLRES.DLL.0409.MUI so i realy dont think its having an effect i could be wrong but in probex icon/cusor u can check to see what the file name is so either way it can be reNamed.
this looks hot probex...and u know blue is one of my most favorite colors...lol...this might be my end all be all...
I Installed the Cab files in the correct order, but my background image on each of the 14 tabs is just black. I have the flashy windows 7 background image when the phone first starts, but thats about it. I even selected background as one of the images in the system tab, but it didn't take... any ideas?? It also seems kinda sluggish now as well
I dont think that has to do with the cab I made for highlighted text and so forth since that has to deal with tsk files....I might let Probe chime in on this one since Im not running this theme yet....
can someone please explain how to re-name the start icon file please. i tried to overwrite the original one in windows using resco, and then installing the cab, but that didnt work. i try to re-name the one in the cab using winrar, but it wont let me. im using mighty 4.12 rom. thanks guys. hey probex, you just keep amazing me bro. now im really wanting to fully see that orange theme, lol. thanks bro!
can someone please explain how to re-name the start icon file please. i tried to overwrite the original one in windows using resco, and then installing the cab, but that didnt work. i try to re-name the one in the cab using winrar, but it wont let me. im using mighty 4.12 rom. thanks guys. hey probex, you just keep amazing me bro. now im really wanting to fully see that orange theme, lol. thanks bro!
you need to rename it to shellers.0409.mui....