Thank you for the great Star Wars Theme!
Thanks for the theme, nice theme! However the favorite people tab does not work?
How can I fix this?
Thanks, Robert.
How do u remove a theme
ok im lost i have download all the zip files except v 1.1 now what do i do
you have to be on a stock or touchflo original rom first of all which i feel you are, and than you install the cab files. just drag the three .cab files to your storqage card and than through file explorer navigate to it than double click and install to MAIN MEMORY. reset if it asks you too right than and there and do that for all 3 files and you will be good to go... make sure that before you do the above that you go to start/settings/personal/today/items and disable touchflo 3d
i still dont understand what your talking about
I dragged all three folders to my storage card all ready and thats where when i click setup it takes me to the internet
Thanks DASH for the info its working but my favorite people tab isn't working