i am serious about this too so please dont think that i am bluffing. To tell the truth i pull my weight around here more than any other staff member besides elboriyorker. I post apps, offer support, help people out whether it is sending them a phone to borrow, selling them something for a cheap price, give advice, free one on one help on my own time, etc and people have been taking advantage of that. I am more than a mind i am human and have feelings to. it sucks to feel like you are being used taken advantage of by the people that you consider/ed family and close friends. Don't get me wrong i love the staff and know that the staff will always have my back but come on cant i get a thanks for what i do here? i offer more support on the boards than anyone in history of forums as my post count shows you and only 11,000 thank yous and installs on my apps i post are ridiculous. look at my installs on the guitar hero 3 that i cracked. i got like 8 of them and over 2000 downloads from the attachment alone and that doesnt include the 3589 downloads throguh the link i offered? im sorry and dont want to sound big headed and all but all i would like to have is people that dont use me for my knowledge in this field and thats how i feel i am being treated. i love this site as many know but im not going to stay at a place that im used at. i can back up the above also, when i go and try to have a convo with people that always go back to the mobile game....., i dont want to talk mobile 24/7 like some freak without a life. i love the mobile world but i dont want to live it. i hope all will resepect my decision i make.... i will be back on sunday with an answer since i will be on alittle tonight and none on saturday...... just find it sad that i cant get the common courtesy from people that i feel i deserve for what i help everyone with... i know many will say its the leechers, no its not the leechers it the people using that i have experienced first hand and am fed the **** up with.... so with that said i MAY be leaving on sunday and stepping down. The site will be in good hands with the staff here and that i am sure of. thanks to the staff for all their hard work and you guys will do great if i make my final decsion of leaving.