This or that

Re Re Re This or that

as of right now i have to go droid based due to superb speed and stability.... i mean no resets or turning of the phone off sicne i got it and still running strong! thats amazing.

Now what was your question or did I miss it???????????????????????????????????????
Re: Re Re Re Re This or that

Well I am going to have to go with dating Dash on this one. That was a good one, lol

Being with Mz or Just post in forum with MZ
being with the mz for sure... just gonna have to not try to get jealous of your boo

skittles or starbursts
Re Re Re Re Re This or that

being with the mz for sure... just gonna have to not try to get jealous of your boo

skittles or starbursts
AWWWW Dash so Sweet

Wow this one is a hard one cause I love both.....ugh starskittles, lol

Snickers or Milkyway
Re: Re Re Re Re Re Re Re This or that

Dang this one is hard but now I am going to have to say Lays cause I can't eat just one..

Long hair or Short

mmmmmm how long is long? maby shoulder length or so... but rhianna looks good with short hair though too.... mmmmmm hahaha

brady quinn or derrick anderson
Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re This or that

mmmmmm how long is long? maby shoulder length or so... but rhianna looks good with short hair though too.... mmmmmm hahaha

brady quinn or derrick anderson
ummmmm I hate cleveland browns so it don't matter.....Anderson

football or baseball
Re This or that

Halle Berry..... Rhianna looks like she's getting fat! like her thighs swallowed Cris Brown!
Skateboard or Snowboard?