Titan Radio ROM 3.27.00


SR Admin
Titan Radio ROM 3.27.00

Programming may be erased. Write down your MDN, MSID, AKEY before upgrade.
Update: many users report no need to reprogram settings if the new rom is flashed BEFORE the new radio.

1. Copy down your infromation from PST (more below)
2. Update your Hard-SPL to 2.40-olipro
3. Flash new ROM
4. Flash new Radio
5. Reprogram PST settings from earlier if necessary.

This radio enables GPS and EvDO rev A.

I installed this radio with the 5044 rom. I cannot access the internet now. I tried to reload 3.27, and it gets to 9%, than errors out saying that I can't use it for my phone. Suggestions.
yae cause you gotta have 3.16 bro like we said after we said that why would you go try back to 3.27 you know that one was havening probs
3.27 was already on there, I just tried to reload it was all. I can't find the correct 3.16. Another member posted 3.27 again for me, but that's when I got the error.
hey bro you shouldnt of done it if you dont know what your doing kk....we do have a service where you can send us the phone and we do everything for you and send it back..pm me for more details