TomTom 6.02

Wondering if i can get some advice on how to set this up cause im going a bit nuts here. I think it is the fact that the instructions provided in the download are not very clear, so if anyone can provide idiot proof instructions i would be eternally greatfull (yes i know i am one of those idiots that need them) ... I know we dont need the fake cursor thing... we have a touch screen with the mogul and the touch. and i know we have to install it on the card and not the device, but what directory are the other files supposed to go into? where exactly do the maps go? (thanks again for the map link Dash) and the the voices dont know where they go either. then it comes to the registration. there is no code in the read me file, there isnt a nfo file, and there is no crack included so i dont know what to do. I have read this several times, even blanked out my card, so i can start fresh, and im having no luck, i just keep making the same mistake somewhere along the way...
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Wondering if i can get some advice on how to set this up cause im going a bit nuts here. I think it is the fact that the instructions provided in the download are not very clear, so if anyone can provide idiot proof instructions i would be eternally greatfull (yes i know i am one of those idiots that need them) ... I know we dont need the fake cursor thing... we have a touch screen with the mogul and the touch. and i know we have to install it on the card and not the device, but what directory are the other files supposed to go into? where exactly do the maps go? (thanks again for the map link Dash) and the the voices dont know where they go either. then it comes to the registration. there is no code in the read me file, there isnt a nfo file, and there is no crack included so i dont know what to do. I have read this several times, even blanked out my card, so i can start fresh, and im having no luck, i just keep making the same mistake somewhere along the way...

the maps just have to go in the tom tom folder that you create and i havent installed the app but i think you jsut install the files top the card and than add the maps and your good to go.
Either the maps don't work for me, or tomtom doesn't work for me. I keep getting "error during planning" when I'm trying to get somewhere. I'm using a 2gb sd card.

Does this work for anyone else?
I tried that Dash, thanks anyway. if you follow the instructions given by the person who made the rar, you will end up with 3 places with the tomtom application on it.

1) the initial dl onto your touch,
2) the //storage card/navigator/ folder that the instructions asked you to create, but nothing is in it but the files you created. and
3) on the //storage card/tom tom/ folder that the "" creates.

I tried installing the maps in all 3 places, rebooted the touch, ran it again, but none of them worked. If anyone has installed this successfully, please write a clear instruction on how to do it, . there are just to many gaps on the current instructions and I am lost. Thanks in advance
I tried that Dash, thanks anyway. if you follow the instructions given by the person who made the rar, you will end up with 3 places with the tomtom application on it.

1) the initial dl onto your touch,
2) the //storage card/navigator/ folder that the instructions asked you to create, but nothing is in it but the files you created. and
3) on the //storage card/tom tom/ folder that the "" creates.

I tried installing the maps in all 3 places, rebooted the touch, ran it again, but none of them worked. If anyone has installed this successfully, please write a clear instruction on how to do it, . there are just to many gaps on the current instructions and I am lost. Thanks in advance

Do you also get the "error during planning" message when you try to route to somewhere?
I think I may try to tackle this one tomorrow for kicks. I got Garmin working, but want to compare TOMTOM. I'm completely fixated on all things GPS right now, and I like challenges. I'll let you guys know if I can figure out the map issue since no one seems to have figured it out yet.

Edit: See Post below.
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D/\SH or elboriyorker, throw these in the first post if you want bros.

These files will only help you get the USA & Canada Maps. You have to have TomTom Navigator installed and cracked for this to work. Got these off of a torrent in an .iso. I am uploading only what I used to get it to work. Hopefully it keeps its integrity. Anyone who downloads these files, please report back with a positive or negative.

KeyGen for USA AND Canada Map:

USA AND Canada Map: (I think I did this right, not sure though. If it doesn't extract all files in one click, extract them seperately, put all these files in a folder named USA AND Canada 675_1409 and then proceed.) EDIT: Easier Megaupload link coming soon.(Maybe, It's giving me hassle)

Password: sl8dogg

You May have to go to for the plus services (If you don't have to, its worth it). Just sign up on their website with a valid email and password, then you can go on your device to the plus services section where you can download some free content. Pay content purchases/downloads are disabled.

Unrar these files, and then drag the whole folder (Don't rename it) (It should be named USA AND CANADA 675_1409. If it isn't, name the folder you drag and drop "USA AND CANADA 675_1409") to your storage card (It will take a good 20-30 minutes at least). Then, run TomTom, go to Manage Maps, switch to US & Canada Maps, get you Device ID for the Keygen WITHIN TomTom, Use it in the keygen, and enter your activation code MANUALLY (No Spaces)

I'm still having trouble saving favorites and home locations though. Edit: I found a workaround. You can save your locations as POI (Points of interest). Its not the best, but it works.

Enjoy Junkiez...... Hit that thanks button...... and donate to AMJ....
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