Touch Pro Energy Rom Max Manila 25


  • Great work by everyone involved. NRGz28 is the premiere chef in the PPC world. Mad props to the man right there. Akeo & Crew @ XDA-Developers for working their butts off porting manila 2.5 to VGA devices. We couldn't be more thankful. Anyway be sure to check out the new layouts, its like i have a whole new phone again. Much luv to the AMJ ppl too!
  • English
i would consider it a "very" beta build right now. i know the guys Akeo & group aren't fully done porting 2.5 to vga yet, but they are pretty darn close. NRG is having some issues with ringers getting corrupted & therefore your phone wont ring. others are reporting of random lock ups which i experienced also. among other things..

the only problem with all this is, 2.5 is freakin cool!! & we all wanna use it so bad. So we've been putting up with a few known issues in order to have the latest & greatest. Some of us have gone back to manila 2.1 while NRG + Crew gets things ironed out.

you can find this in the ppcgeeks Energy Rom thread in the touch pro cdma forum. The thing with NRGz28 lately, he hasn't been updating the thread title or the changelog so you just have to keep in touch with the thread & check the download link inside the first post. It has many new builds which you otherwise wouldn't be aware of.

Wait, so the rom comes with max manila 2.5? Or standard 2.5 and you add max manila?

Looking great btw, i gotta flash my buddies pro with this...
Re Touch Pro Energy Rom Max Manila 25

this might sound stupid but i just flashed my phone with the EnergyROM and also installed the max manila... and it doesn't seem to look like in the video?? am i missing a step? need help please..
Re Re Touch Pro Energy Rom Max Manila 25

this might sound stupid but i just flashed my phone with the EnergyROM and also installed the max manila... and it doesn't seem to look like in the video?? am i missing a step? need help please..

i would suggest asking for help in the rom thread bro , or in the max manila 2.5 thread thanks
in the future you can always use this as a figure oif thumb to go of of.... if the question pertains more toward one thing than another and than it should go into that thread.... jsut helps keep stuff straight since the question that you asked is on max manila and not on the rom itself.
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