touch pro sprint vs touch pro alltel

I want to get a touch pro. I would like a touch pro with sprint so that I don have to switch phone companies but otherwise that... if that answers your question.
what do you want out of it? im just looking to give it as a late by a couple day christmas gift for my bro.

--------- New Post Merged on 21/12/2008 at 03:23:50 --------

what do i want out of it? i mean cash if thats what your talkin bout other than that i am trying to get a tp out of selling my touch, so that i can either get a deal and use that money or if i switch companies just sale the phone cuz i wont need it unless i kept it for odd yu let me know
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alltel sucks really I tried to look at their phones and i put in my zip and nothing comes up. I freakin live in Orange County,CA too not like its a small city or anything. I love sprint but recently they have let me down big time with their bs customer service.
ok so dash, i called back retentions and spoke to a really nice Rep. i even told him that i considered cancelling and that if i were to be sent another touch this would be the4th one, and im sick of getting the touch and experiencing the same problems. he was very understanding of my problem, he told me that i should use my upgrade i am eligible for and get the phone, i told him alltel offered it for free to me!! he told me to goto best buy and get the phone because he believes they are offering better deals and discounts than sprint can offer!! and im like really when i saw that Hibby got his for 75$, i am really having a hard time in getting to bargain with them and the price of the TP, i dont know how to get them to committ for a lower price, but what he did say that he was gonna give me two 70$ credits towards my bill, idk what that was fopr but i guessing to keep me satisfied or not complain, and it did because i am still here with out a phone! and they still have some touches in inventory he checked for me but as soon as they are out the next phone to be shipped to ones with touches will be the diamond. do you have anywhere i can go from this point in order to get a new phone asap. TD OR TP( preferrably Tp)? he did mention that they are able to bill it to my acct. but they are on back order till next year sometime in january. i asked if maybe they can send me a TD and then in january i send it back for the Tp, but thats when he checked and saw they still have Touches in stock
ok so dash, i called back retentions and spoke to a really nice Rep. i even told him that i considered cancelling and that if i were to be sent another touch this would be the4th one, and im sick of getting the touch and experiencing the same problems. he was very understanding of my problem, he told me that i should use my upgrade i am eligible for and get the phone, i told him alltel offered it for free to me!! he told me to goto best buy and get the phone because he believes they are offering better deals and discounts than sprint can offer!! and im like really when i saw that Hibby got his for 75$, i am really having a hard time in getting to bargain with them and the price of the TP, i dont know how to get them to committ for a lower price, but what he did say that he was gonna give me two 70$ credits towards my bill, idk what that was fopr but i guessing to keep me satisfied or not complain, and it did because i am still here with out a phone! and they still have some touches in inventory he checked for me but as soon as they are out the next phone to be shipped to ones with touches will be the diamond. do you have anywhere i can go from this point in order to get a new phone asap. TD OR TP( preferrably Tp)? he did mention that they are able to bill it to my acct. but they are on back order till next year sometime in january. i asked if maybe they can send me a TD and then in january i send it back for the Tp, but thats when he checked and saw they still have Touches in stock

Seriosly bro i dont think there goin to give you a pro or a diamond because they have such a limited supply of these phones and i dont want to bring down your luck or anything
i don think so either, but what i am trying to do is get them to committ to givin me a deal on the phone i mean 100$ wouldnt be bdad ill even accept 150, but i dont know how to get them in the corner to committ to discounting the price it says online
i don think so either, but what i am trying to do is get them to committ to givin me a deal on the phone i mean 100$ wouldnt be bdad ill even accept 150, but i dont know how to get them in the corner to committ to discounting the price it says online

150 is what it costs at best buy i think.....
well thanks for all the help here at AMJ Dash and all members, i didnt get a TP for free unfortuantely.....but i did get a TOUCH DIAMOND!!!! for 53$$ and i got to keep my original touch too hAHAHA YEAH BABY!! everything went well and hectic, it took long enuf but i got something nice, i did want the TP tho, but it didnt work out. im still trying to get the tp somehow, lol now its time to trick this thing out, anybody got any good starters for me?