Touch Pro Yahoo Messenger


Whenever i log into yahoo messenger in my touch pro (sprint) it keeps giving me an error message

REQUEST COULD NOT BE COMPLETED (code: -4) it just started doing this, i tried both sift and hard resets. is neone else having this problem? thanks in advance!!
Whenever i log into yahoo messenger in my touch pro (sprint) it keeps giving me an error message

REQUEST COULD NOT BE COMPLETED (code: -4) it just started doing this, i tried both sift and hard resets. is neone else having this problem? thanks in advance!!

first of all all you using the stock messaging app on the phone or an aftermarket? are you gettting good signal? are you able to log onto the internet through internet explorer? we need some more info here to help you out bro :>
well i have the custom WM6.5 AND I CANT EVEN FIND THE yahoo messenger app

mmmmm i would try to go with palringo which has every single one included and you can be logged into them all which just one log in used :) also voice chat is enabled and best of all its free and all you have to do is sign up at
mmmmm i would try to go with palringo which has every single one included and you can be logged into them all which just one log in used :) also voice chat is enabled and best of all its free and all you have to do is sign up at

i went there signed up and BADA BING! BADA BANG! now i know why your the shit thanks alot man for all the help !

--------- New Post Merged on 4/8/2009 at 02:51:09 --------

ok one more thing when i voice chat from my TP where is the options to activate voice ? or is there one!
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i went there signed up and BADA BING! BADA BANG! now i know why your the shit thanks alot man for all the help !

--------- New Post Merged on 4/8/2009 at 02:51:09 --------

ok one more thing when i voice chat from my TP where is the options to activate voice ? or is there one!

you just press and hold the button that says voice or somethirng like that and releae when you are done like direct connect... and yes there is a tab that says voice that you click on first.