

Here is another shut off app guys like we dont enough already lol

Original Skin:

Skin Tortel:

Original Link:


how does this work

Download the cab on the first post touchoff 5.0 and if u want to apply a skin u download it if its a cab all u have to do is install it and the skin will ne apply if it aint a skin what u will have to do is go in2 program files select touchoff and place the the files u download in there then go to touchoff settings and click on apply skin and select the one u want
you need to download winrar to open the zip file.

Thats correct phenom ,hey montez25 this zip contains files the have to be put in program files i cnt make it on2 a cab nor is there a cab for this download it to ur phone open it with resco or total commander and extract or copy files to program files in touchoff then go to start menu look for touchoff and go to settings and then apply skin .If for whatever reason the skin is not there ur doing something wrong .
i love this app thanks jr, dont have to do step by step to do this install right away thanks

No problem bro ur gonna love this im running the skin with the cube it is awesome lol when u push the reset button it vibrates and resets i thing this will be the best shut down app out there .
Thats correct phenom ,hey montez25 this zip contains files the have to be put in program files i cnt make it on2 a cab nor is there a cab for this download it to ur phone open it with resco or total commander and extract or copy files to program files in touchoff then go to start menu look for touchoff and go to settings and then apply skin .If for whatever reason the skin is not there ur doing something wrong .

ok got it. thanx!