Turn your Pocket PC into IPHONE ! (wisbar v3.0.0.2,

simply download the linke cabs drag them over to your phone and double click them and do a soft reset
Any explanation of what these are? Tigerz have you downloaded them? Maybe you could do us another cool Video to show us what they are!
haha would love to but i personally think wisebar sucks and also i just use the iphone interface with prada plugin and the iphone dial skin and the icube so thats enoguh iphone for me but ill think about making a video of thisif i have time one night
Thanks T... Was just wondering if the downloads are anything like the one on you-tube, the dude with the touch that has the iphone main screen..."forexprofessor"... vid.. Although still loving and happy with my mods you guys are supplying ...And yours and D/\ash's vids as always..Peace and Happy 2008
i just recently got the htc touch phone by sprint and i was curious in getting the iphone interface. how do i go about getting it on my phone?
this isnt the iphone interphace just do a local search fo it if you arew interested and dash and me also have youtube videos on these just search youtube for "iamdasht19"
im sorry i didnt understand your message... i did see dash's video on you tube, and i would like to do what he did to his phone to mine as well =):flowers:
I download the wisbar desktop but doent seem to work.. another ? do you know where I can get this program? watch the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DnT_VKsZ6c

the first one is wisbar advance desktop which works but takes a lot to set up and the second looks like rltoday. but please ask all questions in the correct area this is the iphone thread not a whats this threaad. use the help desk only warning.
where can I get this program? is it part of wisbar advance 2 ? there is a vid of itask on youtube also


wow bro make a new thread this doesnt have anything the fuck to do with the interface mentioned. i let you slip the first two times but come on follow the rules. go to your link and look at the forum below that it brings up lakeridge and the skin is attached.... must be wisbar than.
ok question do I need to download all these rapid shares or just 1....I have an htc touch........I want the wisbar that looks like the iphone....which one do i download?


wisbar advance desktop v1.3.0.7


iphone skin for wisbar advance and wisbar advance desktop

I think i am only supose to down load one of these 3 files...because when i tried to install 3 on my touch it said had to replace existing....so i am downloading only this one http://rapidshare.com/files/66427452...6_v3.0.0.2.CAB...because its for wm6....I am also going to download the wisbar advance desktop v1.3.0.7 http://rapidshare.com/files/66434720...0.7.Regged.rar.............and then the iphone skin for wisbar advance and wisbar advance desktop http://rapidshare.com/files/66924979/iphone_ppc.rar....Is that right or do I need these other 2 http://rapidshare.com/files/6642689...apidshare.com/files/66428197...3_v3.0.0.2.CAB