[HTC-PRO] [Update 04/02/09] ATR 30 Manila/Rhodium Touch Pro TF3D2(build 21028)

that could be your problem right there.... as stated in the first post this was made with sprint in mind since all chefs in on this ran sprint as their service provider.
naw Telus was confirmed working with carrier cab, he either is trying to install a tf3d theme on tf3d2 rom, or he didnt delete the XML file in diamond config....

also as far as I know there hasn't been a tf3d2 theme needed to install via diamond config...not sur eits even supported yet....if he is running tf3d2 the themes are going to most likely be in cab format and needs to be installed that way.
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naw Telus was confirmed working with carrier cab, he either is trying to install a tf3d theme on tf3d2 rom, or he didnt delete the XML file in diamond config....

also as far as I know there hasn't been a tf3d2 theme needed to install via diamond config...not sur eits even supported yet....if he is running tf3d2 the themes are going to most likely be in cab format and needs to be installed that way.

good call forgot about that and the diamond config hahahaha..... good job young grasshopper :)
i have read throught this whole thread and havent seen an answer for my issue theres a lot of info so please forgive me if i missed it but i have been running this rom for a while and i love it, but yesterday after editing a contact i noticed the on screen keyboard going to numbers so i installed the classic word cab and now when i use the compact qwerty it only will put in the numbers and symboles also the hardware keybord wont let me shut of t9 anymore and it is way slow now the only other thing i noticed at the same time this problem started was when entering a contact for a text the nname now appears at the top of the screen where before it would show uo at the bottom of the screen to click on and add the number. the only thing i did was edited a contact no new programs tried soft reset. a hard reset fixed the number issue on the compact qwerty last time but i dont want to hard reset everytime this comes up im running the tflow3d rom thanks for all the help and again sorry if i missed this
i have read throught this whole thread and havent seen an answer for my issue theres a lot of info so please forgive me if i missed it but i have been running this rom for a while and i love it, but yesterday after editing a contact i noticed the on screen keyboard going to numbers so i installed the classic word cab and now when i use the compact qwerty it only will put in the numbers and symboles also the hardware keybord wont let me shut of t9 anymore and it is way slow now the only other thing i noticed at the same time this problem started was when entering a contact for a text the nname now appears at the top of the screen where before it would show uo at the bottom of the screen to click on and add the number. the only thing i did was edited a contact no new programs tried soft reset. a hard reset fixed the number issue on the compact qwerty last time but i dont want to hard reset everytime this comes up im running the tflow3d rom thanks for all the help and again sorry if i missed this

After the flash did u hard reset and take the battery out?
yes this is a known issue with the rom i had this problem to.. aside from installing the CLASSIC_WORD_COMPLETION theres not much we can do, sorry u might have to wait till tylor or broski read this and see if they have anything new to add..
Hey just wanted 2 let everybody kno that this rom works wit metro pcs.... of course with a lil tweaking but it works perfectly and i cant wait for 6.5 version cuz i kno its gunna blow everything else outta tha water!

--------- New Post Merged on 31/5/2009 at 12:09:38 --------

Hey i forgot 2 ask(cuz i dont have one yet) but is the bluetoothsuspend tweak in tha rom or do i have 2 download it?
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i have read throught this whole thread and havent seen an answer for my issue theres a lot of info so please forgive me if i missed it but i have been running this rom for a while and i love it, but yesterday after editing a contact i noticed the on screen keyboard going to numbers so i installed the classic word cab and now when i use the compact qwerty it only will put in the numbers and symboles also the hardware keybord wont let me shut of t9 anymore and it is way slow now the only other thing i noticed at the same time this problem started was when entering a contact for a text the nname now appears at the top of the screen where before it would show uo at the bottom of the screen to click on and add the number. the only thing i did was edited a contact no new programs tried soft reset. a hard reset fixed the number issue on the compact qwerty last time but i dont want to hard reset everytime this comes up im running the tflow3d rom thanks for all the help and again sorry if i missed this

hey, i will suggest you installed a different keyboard, im running this rom and thats the only SURE fix that i found for that. and since i know you are wondering, im using the "exidler finger keyboard" , it works great.
Guys someone got it2 my profile somehow and was messing around with AMJ i got kicked off staff for posting something i didnt even type and im sure that someone closed this thread down what is going on this is the real me guys

I would bring this up to elboriyorker's attention or dash's if this really happened...did you gve out your username and password to anyone?? I would run a full scan for spyware, maybe thats how they got your cache of your username and pass....also i would check and see if you have access to your router(if you have one), they could have uploaded their own firmware and are stealing all your info w/ out you knowing it....
I would bring this up to elboriyorker's attention or dash's if this really happened...did you gve out your username and password to anyone?? I would run a full scan for spyware, maybe thats how they got your cache of your username and pass....also i would check and see if you have access to your router(if you have one), they could have uploaded their own firmware and are stealing all your info w/ out you knowing it....

Nah man i didnt give ot my info but i do have my info stored on a some computer i didnt think this would happen and y me i opened my comp this morning got a pm from dash and he said i was fixing to get banded ? I was like y how what i do i then saw what was going on
Nah man i didnt give ot my info but i do have my info stored on a some computer i didnt think this would happen and y me i opened my comp this morning got a pm from dash and he said i was fixing to get banded ? I was like y how what i do i then saw what was going on

thats messed up bro, but why not make a thread for this? lets not take broski's thread on a wild spin, lol. back to topic.
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1st of all I dont insinuate. Lets not make it anymore then it already is. Like phe said Back to ATR ROM stop crapping the thread pls.

you just did above and watch yourself your on thin ice with me after what you said and dontbring up i made the best rom atr out there.... drop the subject last we will hear of it and we will steer clear from eachother since quite frankly i dont like you.
I havent been checked in on this thread in a while...And the reason is....Because this ROM is the shizznit....I havent had any issues(except for the onscreen key board which doesnt really bother me) So once again Im saying KUDOS....I havent had to soft reset in about 3 weeks.....I have the best battery power I have had since a non-smartphone...I love my phone again.....And its all cuz of Yall