[HTC-PRO] [Update 04/02/09] ATR 30 Manila/Rhodium Touch Pro TF3D2(build 21028)

yeah sorry broski, I didnt mean to say that the rom was just taylors. I simply said it because he was the one responding to me at that time. And I just wanted to help out anyone who wanted to change their start icon. Thanks for verifying what I was saying.

not a problem, just making sure evrything is great at ur end.
the fix for that is in the 1st post, called hot fix, im assuming u mean when it locks on number mode correct? if so its in 1st post

1st off this rom belongs to 3 people taylor,nine, and myself us three put an equal amount of effort into it, we all had something to do with it...but anywho the icon for start icon is shellres.192.dll.0409.mui

Im talkign about that but (I might have to post in a different area) The question is that my comp wont let me download it and what not... i'll just ask in another post cus it's more with my internet I think on my computer.. thanks anyway Broski! =] I dont wanna hold no one up...
Has anyone had any luck getting SprintTV to run on this rom (TF3D version)? After install, it gets a cannot connect to server error on the first launch, then in successive launches gets no channels and shows no subscription info.

Ya know, it occurs to me that I haven't even commented on the rom yet. I only got around to installing yesterday (long week) so I've not had a chance to really evaluate the battery yet, but so far I'm extremely impressed. Very smooth, quick and responsive, and quite stable. Excellent work you three!
Has anyone had any luck getting SprintTV to run on this rom (TF3D version)? After install, it gets a cannot connect to server error on the first launch, then in successive launches gets no channels and shows no subscription info.

I just checked and sprint TV isn't working for me either. Are you able to adjust your in call volume?
Alright thats what I figured with the Start thing I didnt know what the exclusive list was for but I figured it was there for a reason so bingo bango thats where I stuck the start.exe so thank you for the confirmation.
hey guys, i just flashed my girls pro to the tf3d version. She wants as little bugs as possible. When i change the theme with tf3d conf tool, and try to unbackground al pages, it keeps making the clock go to 1259 and doesnt move. I tried two themes. Which I previously had workin on her stock. Im also installing the tsowens task bar. kills the tf3d and i have to re theme it. I have personally used one of the themes myself with the same tool, and never had an issue. Is anybody else having thes issues.

OH and is there a way to enlarge the start menu. When you change it in saetrtings, screen flashes and reverts right back.

If i could get passed these issues, she would love it, cause all she wants is a good battery time. great rom overall.
Can u please explain to us exactly what u did what files u downloaded ,what did u flashed to etc.Did u hard reset after the flash?
Yes I pulled the battery after the flash, and waited for 30 seconds. I installed the tf3d config tool. The one with the tweaks. I tried two themes. The girl power theme(pink, furry clock). This theme practically greys out the start menu. also tried the space djoub blue theme. this doesnt grey out the screen but I cant remove the curtains, background or install tsowens taskbar. tsowens taskbar kills the tf3d and it just says tap here to launch tf3d. I gotta re theme it. i got the darklord battery fix to work. thats about the extent of it.
hey guys, i just flashed my girls pro to the tf3d version. She wants as little bugs as possible. When i change the theme with tf3d conf tool, and try to unbackground al pages, it keeps making the clock go to 1259 and doesnt move. I tried two themes. Which I previously had workin on her stock. Im also installing the tsowens task bar. kills the tf3d and i have to re theme it. I have personally used one of the themes myself with the same tool, and never had an issue. Is anybody else having thes issues.

OH and is there a way to enlarge the start menu. When you change it in saetrtings, screen flashes and reverts right back.

If i could get passed these issues, she would love it, cause all she wants is a good battery time. great rom overall.

This worked for me :)


thank you. I'll try this when she gets home from work. If anybody can help me with the theme thing let me know. this is her first flashed rom. im tryin to make it a good one. She was sceptical bout flashin. since ive down it 100 times on mine, shes less hesitant now.
Try this cab for the background for all tabs

I have it installed on mine with no problems

Does anyone know of a way to change the small keyboard to the full qwerty??

I've tried SIP changer but it doesn't stay on the full qwerty


Yes I pulled the battery after the flash, and waited for 30 seconds. I installed the tf3d config tool. The one with the tweaks. I tried two themes. The girl power theme(pink, furry clock). This theme practically greys out the start menu. also tried the space djoub blue theme. this doesnt grey out the screen but I cant remove the curtains, background or install tsowens taskbar. tsowens taskbar kills the tf3d and it just says tap here to launch tf3d. I gotta re theme it. i got the darklord battery fix to work. thats about the extent of it.

I'm running TF3D2, and not TF3D, but I'll comment on this anyway. The problems you're describing should not be happening with this ROM (or aany other ROM just about for that matter). I would be willing to bet that the "all curtains" hack is already cooked in to this ROM, so you shouldn't need that. I know you don't want to hear it, but I would hard reset and see if that helps. And if it doesn't, hard reset again. And if that don't help, then re-flash and make sure to hard reset after pulling the battery step. I was having several issues w the TF3D2 version that I've never had w any other ROMs (besides the known TF3D2 issues), and I hard reset a couple of times, and now it's almost all smooth :). I know you want it to run perfect for your girl right now, but sometimes it takes a couple of tries. Just play it off like a hard reset is a good thing (which I guess it is). Good luck.