big jew gets and std from a dirty prostitute and loses $20 more when she takes his wallet
cookz123z inserts $1
cookz123z gets to be a cowboy fan
MikeyD inserts $3
big jew gets and std from a dirty prostitute and loses $20 more when she takes his wallet
cookz123z inserts $1
cookz123z gets to be a cowboy fan
MikeyD inserts $3
MikeyD gets a ride on the back of a dragon as it takes out an entire village of people
venumx inserts $5
venumx gets jessie (tigers sister) (sorry bro)
dash inserts 4 dolla.....
lol dashy gets a used jessie for $1 cheaper
venumx inserts 2.50 into machine
dash gets stanley cup tickets...
tlpalmer01 inserts 6.00 dollars.
tlpalmer01 gets ripped off cause I am hiding in the machine
thermus inserts tlpalmer01's $6
thermus gets an active explosive and the machine blows up,
luckily there is another machine and venum puts $100 inside it.
VenumX gets a month supply of toilet paper.
merdinh inserts $4.00
and he gets a shiny new iphone hahahahahhaahhaahaha you got hoed!!!
sure, you get another iphone as refund, and one more for posting without inserting money on your last post! lol. PheNom inserts $25.00.oh great, what a waist of my $4.00, are there any refundsoke:
oh great, what a waist of my $4.00, are there any refundsoke:
Phe-Nom gets promoted to Moderator...
LittleDaisy inserts $100 (which she had in her pink wallet) lol
littledaisy becomes the world's most famous women DJ!
PheNom inserts $30.00
Phenom gets 2 trash bags for leaving me stuck with the iphone.
MerdinH insterts $.02
MerdinH gets his money's worth an gets another iphone! hahaha
PheNom inserts $35.00
lol, PHE-NOM this time gets 2 trash bags, one with a iphone in it.
MerdinH inserts $4.00 then presses the refund button, and then inserts $3.97