Vogue Stuck at Colors Screen


Ok so i just recently got a Verizon XV6900 (Vogue), i tried flashing the NFSFANS wm6.1 and wm6.5 roms but both of these would constantly cause my device to reboot if it wasn't plugged via USB. So i tried reflashing it back to the original 6.1 pro that came on the phone by using the one from the HTC Website, that failed after 31% and i had to recover it. Now the device is just stuck at the screen with the 3 colors with the message

SPL - 2.01.0000

i have no idea what to do to get out of this, sorry I'm a complete noob and I tried searching but I couldn't find what i was looking for

Any help is appreciated
Your phone is not unlocked. It should say:


"Note: 3 Color screen is stuck in bootloader NOT "bricked"; just flash a stock rom exe"

Go to the removed vogue upgrade site and look the stickied post. I would link to it but this site has a crazy rule about new people can't post links.
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Your phone is not unlocked. It should say:


"Note: 3 Color screen is stuck in bootloader NOT "bricked"; just flash a stock rom exe"

Go to the ppcgeeks vogue upgrade site and look the stickied post. I would link to it but this site has a crazy rule about new people can't post links.

its nothing crazy that's what we call spam control...deal with it. plus you just joined...
Your phone is not unlocked. It should say:


"Note: 3 Color screen is stuck in bootloader NOT "bricked"; just flash a stock rom exe"

Go to the ppcgeeks vogue upgrade site and look the stickied post. I would link to it but this site has a crazy rule about new people can't post links.

OR an even better idea would be to read DASHs thread about how to flash a rom and get all the suppport he needs on this site..
