[ANNOUNCEMENT] We Hit 900 !!!!!

the congrats need to go to elboriyorker and dash for keeping this thing going and growing....and to all staff and members that play thier parts.....so thanks to all and keep up the hard work and have fun
Re: We Hit 900

dang elboriyorker, u got another server?????? ****in amazing bro lol had us all fooled
no shit? you got a second server bro? :>

hahaha yea that was long time project that i finally completed and i was trying to bench mark it to compare to what we are on now.though it small but its running nicely as a matter of fact the blog site is on the second server and the test site and few others.Only AMJ is lonely lol.. :drunk:
hahaha yea that was long time project that i finally completed and i was trying to bench mark it to compare to what we are on now.though it small but its running nicely as a matter of fact the blog site is on the second server and the test site and few others.Only AMJ is lonely lol.. :drunk:

hahahhaha nice no shot bro :chefigura: thats what im talking about!! i never thought this place would blow up this big :>
Re: We Hit 900

ya you guys have done a great job!!! im proud to be a member... besides this is the best site by far to get everything i need... xda and ppcgeeks setup anoys the hell out of me!!! you rock!!! keep it up!!!
Re: We Hit 900

Sick as, I remember when me and dash would be so happy when we reached 100 members online in the last 24 hours.
Re: We Hit 900

Sick as, I remember when me and dash would be so happy when we reached 100 members online in the last 24 hours.

ummm i dont really remember you being here that early since that was lalo lmfao..... you were more like at the 500 point or so since you came when the help desk was already made since i remember answering all the noob questions that you were asking....
Re: We Hit 900

ummm i dont really remember you being here that early since that was lalo lmfao..... you were more like at the 500 point or so since you came when the help desk was already made since i remember answering all the noob questions that you were asking....

hahahaha yup :bravo:
Re: We Hit 900

i love AMJ... :Laie_75B: even tho xda developers has over 1 million members.. its nuthin compared to AMJ! :rastamanno:

we will be there no doubt..... look at us compared to even ppcgeeks........ if we go by years that each has been up we already will have more members than them in less time...... and on top fo that numbers dont matter since we all know that we have the best community as well aas the best for your ppc and smartphone :>
Re: We Hit 900

we will be there no doubt..... look at us compared to even ppcgeeks........ if we go by years that each has been up we already will have more members than them in less time...... and on top fo that numbers dont matter since we all know that we have the best community as well aas the best for your ppc and smartphone :>

very well put dash... this site has grown exponentially in the time period!
Re: We Hit 900

and you also have to remember xda does all different phones including gsm and we do but specialize in sprint so they are going to have more members due to more phones that they specialize in.

again.. very true... i hate their site layouts too... AMJ is so easy! programs and themes rite on the side bar =) lmao
I'm so glad to be part of this family. I know we don't have the million member. But look @ it this way the 1 on 1 you can get with out staff and also like Dash said they deal with more Gsm phones over @ xda Hell you gotta find a post that says cdma only on it @ least here you know its cdma and don't gotta guess. but the 1 factor that sets us apart is how we act like a family here I love all you guys from the staff to the new member