Welcome Guests

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afternoon mizarks O sorry I'm a big bubba the love sponge fan and use alot of iggys when i type but i just got me a sprint mogul and cant wait to make it me own thanks cant wait to fiugre out how to download stuff
afternoon mizarks O sorry I'm a big bubba the love sponge fan and use alot of iggys when i type but i just got me a sprint mogul and cant wait to make it me own thanks cant wait to fiugre out how to download stuff

you came to the right place... take a look at the side menu and the help desk and you will than have everything at your fingertips.
really really really cool website... I have seen plenty of ur works on utube[YOUTUBE_BROWSER][/YOUTUBE_BROWSER]... pretty awesome stuffs u've... truly glad 2 b part of this community:yahoo:
really really really cool website... I have seen plenty of ur works on utube[YOUTUBE_BROWSER][/YOUTUBE_BROWSER]... pretty awesome stuffs u've... truly glad 2 b part of this community:yahoo:

hahahah glad that you like bro.
New guy Here,hoping to learn how to mods for the phone.I thank the board administrators for letting me in.I am An electrical contractor.Some computer savy,not on this phones, but willing to learn.
hello thre..glad to have me here..just got my kaiser n can't wait to add up some kwl thingy in it...hope u guys here can help me with it...thnkss alott...:yahoo:
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