white touch


i am going to buy a touch through alltel it will end up costing me about 100 bucks with a new 2 year contract. the only thing that is wierd is that all the touches ive seen have been black and the one they advertise is white. it is through wirefly and im not sure if its legit
i am going to buy a touch through alltel it will end up costing me about 100 bucks with a new 2 year contract. the only thing that is wierd is that all the touches ive seen have been black and the one they advertise is white. it is through wirefly and im not sure if its legit
I don't even see HTC on there website. Post me a link please
No ser you don't, personally my favorite company is sprint but i never tried altel i have only been with sprint, verizon and at&t
i thought that the verizon touch was the one that was white? or did they come out with anew color for the alltel version? i know they have that nasty maroon one out there too.....