Will sprint match price verizon TP2 Price

Re Will sprint match price verizon TP2 Price

if you look in th other thread that i nmade on this with numbers and everything in the members news area you will find the number that you need to call to get this done......

Hey Dash, do you remember the title of the thread or is it stickied? I might just be overlooking it.
Ok so I tried this like two months ago and here it is.........

I called sprint and talked with cs/advance ts/ts/managers then retentions/cancellations and told them about a legit better deal with verizon and hopped they would at least get me a price match with verizon equipment. With having ten years of service with sprint, being a primere customer, having two lines and buying most of my phones via ebay/craigslist they told I should not waste my time with sprint and go to verizon. Their exact words. Sprint is getting crappy on their customer relations and really does not care anymore, I will say I will always have sprint as a provider but it does not mean i have to like it.
What's so great about the TP2??

a great keybaord, a sexier screen thats way larger and makes file explorer and many others tasks like texts and emails easier. the onscreen keyboard is actually very usable, custom roms are out and great with leo interface, the keyboard slideout wise is just beautiful, spacious, and typing is so smooth and fluid naturally on it. the phone out of the box on stock rom is very stable and considerably faster and wuicker in all processes than the tp. the scroll bar just below the screen is very nice for the net and browsing as well. i love the tp2 and got the droid eris from cnet and just started testing thast todasy sicne the firsdt one that came yesterday was a bun so they called verizon and i just got back from picking up a new one. hope this helps some and any questions feel free to ask :)