when you started working for radioshack about a year ago and was the first with a ppc, now all the other guys have ppc's that you have modded with custom themes for each one... Hell I made a custom rom for my manager and district manager, the boot screens have the radioshack logo, their name, and the dm's has the district number, and the manager has the store number... and every customer wants you to mod their phone...
when you have made over 4 custom roms... ( I'm up to 5...)
when AMJ is set for your home page on your desktop, laptop, and ppc...
when you have dreams at night wondering when skyfire will be publically released...
when you laugh at someone that asks if your phone is "one of those fancy iphones"...
when your girlfriend thinks that you are using the new masterbation (keeps the vibration on...) program more than you are using her...
when you log onto AMJ at midnight, and the next thing you know its 3am...
when you have contacts stored in your phone under the names of dash and tarblueriver...
when you challange your best friend to a modding duel (I WON!!!!)...
when you learn how to use adobe photoshop, themegence, buildos, and oemizer all just to make the one rom that you will love...
when you wonder why touching your moniter will not open applications...
when an 8gb micro sdhc card just isn't enough...
when you can do tech support for the mogul better than sprints "extremely helpful" *2 talk...
when you stay up all night trying to think of more shit to put into this thread...