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Read the forums, or ask me or Dash to mod your phone for you for a fee. Its your choice. If you want to do it yourself, you will have to take the time and read the forums and learn everything. Its a long tedious process, but worth it in the long run.
LOL.......well ya know I would love to have another baby or 2, wont be happening in my life, but i will say that i do have a tinge of envy....unfortunately my 10 year old is alot like alot of 13 year olds.....i have alot ofwork to do with him....made some mistakes as he was growing up, but trying to get a handle on things now.....
Ya 10 yr olds can be stressful, It always works out though. My oldest boy is 10, then theirs the 7yr old girl, 19mon old boy and the baby boy. LOL I would think I would know how to use a rubber my now! LOL :)
We are doing pretty ok.....huge amounts of stress lately......having some problems with my 10 year old, but working through youngest is fabulous! The GF is i really can't complain at all....just looking forward to when I can have some rest and relaxation! A few days in Vegas would be nice!
well thats good your busy, but workn that many hrs in a row sucks. the most they ever let me do was 16s for a week and it sucked. :) the wife is good and austin is turning into a chunk with a double chin lol. how about your fam?
Hey smooth.....just been an incredibly long couple of weeks....yesterday turned into today was a 24 hour workday.....How you and the Mrs. and Jr.?
hey bro!!! whats up??? well i have just finished posting the correct format for your throttlelock hope its right this time!!! let me know if you like or if there is anything else i can change!! L8tz!!
hey do you think that you can make me some of those battery covers for my TP and i will give you money for them and ++$ for doing it
hi um how do i get the new tf3d 2 on my touch pro sprint i would really appreciate a video link if posible
well i have alltel so i didnt personally install it on my pro but i installed it on a friend of mines sprint pro and he seemed to like it were both running star rom 1.6a juicy 7 is pretty good too
yo i really need help i hav the htc touch with the standard app. on it i would like 2 change it 2 the superman one can u help me, i knw nothing about this website i jus joined yesterday so i dnt really knw much. i do knw i hav zip on my ohne with only the standard app so yea plz help me plz
thanks for the heads up. i closed that thread. but i still don't have the right rom. i checked all the ones that i installed and non of them had the windows default in the today settings. i try not to ask stupid questions so my bad. you think you can point me in the right direction?
i was wondering i am new to here i was wondering if u cld hlp me cause iam trying to figure out how to get the spb full screen keyboard but i have no clue how to get it iam really srry for asking but iam so lost here