HTC HOME Windows Mobile 7 Custom Pack [DOWNLOAD AVAILABLE]


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and here is a cool startup animation

Thanks, Mike. My main interest is the startup animation screen (perfect for my theme), so will be downloading it shortly -- any tips on installing?
the files seem to be all over, how do i know what goes in "icons" or "Bg" in htc hhc customizer? i got the clock down pack but not the rest
the files seem to be all over, how do i know what goes in "icons" or "Bg" in htc hhc customizer? i got the clock down pack but not the rest
just drop all the files for htc home in my device\htc home worked for me, you just may have to re-install htc home if you wanna go back, but from the looks of this you wouldnt wanna, i jsut got this for the startup and wm player but has worked for me b4
i downloaded this and i put all the files in the htc home but nothings changed.. how do i even change the windows media startup player
well the thing is if u have all the icons?pngs and there named correctly all u need to do is overwrite all the icons from the original htc hhc, copy paste in the "windows" folder in files and u sholud b good.. one other thing if u dont want to soft reset turn off the htc home b4 u swap images then once ur done adding them turn it back on:start/settings/personal/today/items..
WOW!! is thereanyway the icons can be mis labeld? can some one who knows the labels let me know and ill see when i can re name.. as said b4,after installing htc home and hhc i copy paste all themes straight to windows folder...
I have tried all the above without any result. Any help getting this working?

bro its simple all the stuff it is saying in the first post that can be skinned has to be installed first... than you follow the steps in the first post.... i dont know what part you are messing up on since you arent giving any info to work with......
I placed all the icons into the Home customizer, but I am having the same problems nothing is changing or showing up in the home customizer.... please help!
So should I simply paste all Mobile 7 files over all files currently in my Windows folder?

no you should follow the steps throughput this whole thread and download all the files and than after you install all the needed programs overwrite the image files that you download from the first post and overwrite.....

please people read the threads.