Kaos Mogul Hybrid Take 5 wm 61 gps Reva

I've had this rom since last year and overall this is the best but i have a couple of small problems: the battery life doesn't last long and when charging the phone charging light flashes red or orange instead of solid red or orange and when the battery runs low (after about 30 minutes of talking on the phone) the blue tooth light comes on and stays on. I was wondering if anybody else experienced this? and if so how did they fix it?....thxs in advanced!!

never experienced any of those troubles when i ran this...... you have hard reset in the past year correct? otherwise that would be causing it...
im using Kaos' take 3 right now, but ive got some stuff messed up on it and this rom sounds fantastic.

Im on an alltel mogul but it sounds like I can use this srpint rom anyway and just not let the customization business run? and then run alltel stuff later?

I have radio 03.37.20, so I downloaded Titan_Radio_ROM_3.42.30.rar from earlier in this thread.

Am I right that I can use this rom with my alltel mogul? just flash the radio 1st, then the take 5, then alltel customizations?
Re: Kaos Mogul Hybrid Take 5 wm 6.1 gps & Reva

yeah i have hard reset before but it has been awhile. if i hard reset now will it erase everything?

yes it will erase everything but you have to do this from time to time. you will have a whole new love for your device after you see how it runs again after a hard reset....trust me well worth the time to hard reset.... jsut be sure to use pimbackup and backup all your contacts and sms if needed.

im using Kaos' take 3 right now, but ive got some stuff messed up on it and this rom sounds fantastic.

Im on an alltel mogul but it sounds like I can use this srpint rom anyway and just not let the customization business run? and then run alltel stuff later?

I have radio 03.37.20, so I downloaded Titan_Radio_ROM_3.42.30.rar from earlier in this thread.

Am I right that I can use this rom with my alltel mogul? just flash the radio 1st, then the take 5, then alltel customizations?

there is no customization in this rom so you dont have to worry about that.... just flash the rom and let it do its thang.... than when that is doen get the dcd carrier can for alltel and run that and you will be all ready to go for alltel.
i dont mean to be daft here, but in your (Dash) sig the link to the how to flash roms-- i dont see a section for flashing a radio, or flashing a custom rom over a custom rom (im using kaos take 3 and want to do take 5)..

i saw something earlier in the thread about flashing from the memory card? how does that work?
i dont mean to be daft here, but in your (Dash) sig the link to the how to flash roms-- i dont see a section for flashing a radio, or flashing a custom rom over a custom rom (im using kaos take 3 and want to do take 5)..

i saw something earlier in the thread about flashing from the memory card? how does that work?
You dont have to do anything to flash a custom over a custom, and radios are flashed just like a rom, as long as your unlocked. Also, when flashing a radio, it doesnt reset your device like a rom does.
i dont mean to be daft here, but in your (Dash) sig the link to the how to flash roms-- i dont see a section for flashing a radio, or flashing a custom rom over a custom rom (im using kaos take 3 and want to do take 5)..

i saw something earlier in the thread about flashing from the memory card? how does that work?
flashing rom custom rom to custom rom is easy....just flash....nothing else needed....no need to unlock again because it is already unlocked....but this isnt the place to ask the question....it should have been asked in the tutorial page you just looked at....and flashin from the card isnt easy to do if your still starting out...but u drop the nbh file in the card and manual bootload....
Re: Kaos Mogul Hybrid Take 5 wm 6.1 gps & Reva

there is too a section for custom to custom if im not mistaking.... dont see why it wouldnt have been added and pretty sure i remember adding it to.. ill check on that later.
i wanted to see if someone can send me this program to my email for me to loaded on my XV6800.... i tried going through the link provided but always gives me an error page .....thanks
i wanted to see if someone can send me this program to my email for me to loaded on my XV6800.... i tried going through the link provided but always gives me an error page .....thanks

the link works fine i just tested it (you have to copy and paste and download through rapidshare user the free user icon.) also this cant be emailed to you because the files are there to download so we WONT email any files to ANYONE. also the file is huge and wont be able to be attached in the email since it takes around 10-15 min to download depending on dsl/cable speeds. sorry dont want to sound mean but thats all stated in the rules when you joined.
installed. working good. the battery life is a little worse i think. is there a reg tweak for that?

also, im running alltel. after the flash i took out the battery and did a hard reset just as the directions say. then i installed the alltel carrier cab. and did a soft reset when it asked me to. i was under the impression that the carrier cab would make my phone just like an alltel phone. although it did not install any kind of picture messenging. which isnt a big deal. i found a program for it.
but heres my question. every once in a while i get an error. it says "error code: 1012, could not prepare vision services. please try again later. If the problem persists, you may need to contact sprint." so i thought after installing the carrier cab it would be all alltel. but does anybody know what this error message means? idk what vision software is. thanks


--------- New Post Merged on 6/3/2009 at 05:43:59 --------

well i just found out that im not getting any pictures. my gf said she sent 4 and i didnt get any. i was getting them with the take 3 enhanced after i installed the program for alltel pic messenging
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installed. working good. the battery life is a little worse i think. is there a reg tweak for that?

also, im running alltel. after the flash i took out the battery and did a hard reset just as the directions say. then i installed the alltel carrier cab. and did a soft reset when it asked me to. i was under the impression that the carrier cab would make my phone just like an alltel phone. although it did not install any kind of picture messenging. which isnt a big deal. i found a program for it.
but heres my question. every once in a while i get an error. it says "error code: 1012, could not prepare vision services. please try again later. If the problem persists, you may need to contact sprint." so i thought after installing the carrier cab it would be all alltel. but does anybody know what this error message means? idk what vision software is. thanks


--------- New Post Merged on 6/3/2009 at 05:43:59 --------

well i just found out that im not getting any pictures. my gf said she sent 4 and i didnt get any. i was getting them with the take 3 enhanced after i installed the program for alltel pic messenging

on the first part i would recommend visiting my thread on extending the battery life. the issue is there are many power management issues that need to be utilized anyways check this out


you might want to also check out my thread mogul tweaks. the easiest way to do most of the power management issues is download schnaps advanced config and you should be golden.
i only see the link for the sprint version. is this the same as the take 5?

yes and it isnt provider specific..... just run your carriers dcd carrier cab and you will be fine..... (you just have to be cdma)
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ive noticed i only have like 2 bars maybe 3 wherever i am. i wouldnt think that would be from the rom. i have the latest radio and everything. could it be because alltel is merging with verizon?

also, my gf says when she calls me, 75% of the time it rings twice and goes to voicemail. she has to call 3 or 4 times for it to actually ring for me. any ideas of what this problem would be?

but the rom is much better than the take 3! i like this one. flows nicer. has more goodies :) good job Kaos
ive noticed i only have like 2 bars maybe 3 wherever i am. i wouldnt think that would be from the rom. i have the latest radio and everything. could it be because alltel is merging with verizon?

also, my gf says when she calls me, 75% of the time it rings twice and goes to voicemail. she has to call 3 or 4 times for it to actually ring for me. any ideas of what this problem would be?

but the rom is much better than the take 3! i like this one. flows nicer. has more goodies :) good job Kaos

have you called alltel and seen if they are having troubles in your area with the reception?
no i havent called alltel, but i got a text from them a few days ago saying they added a tower to my area and it was supposed to make the signal better.

also, i have a program called "vision works" keep trying to run on the phone, then allways says it was unsuccessful. should i let this run? it seems like its a sprint program.
no i havent called alltel, but i got a text from them a few days ago saying they added a tower to my area and it was supposed to make the signal better.

also, i have a program called "vision works" keep trying to run on the phone, then allways says it was unsuccessful. should i let this run? it seems like its a sprint program.

never received that myself in the months and months i ran this on my mogul...... it ould be the phone trying to update to read off that tower.