[Theme] TF7X-by-PROBEX

Well umm, what I did in detail: I downloaded all your tf7x files onto my computer and then extracted them and then stored them onto my phone and then I clicked on them IN my phone and the download took quite some time. But afterwards it just tells me "if more space needed use this bla bla bla". But the last file on your instructions I downloaded (pro-blue-vga) it finally prompted me to restart. Done that and then everything looks the same except the icons on the top right corner. confused...its probably so simple to do but I don't know what I did wrong. thanks for helping.
Well umm, what I did in detail: I downloaded all your tf7x files onto my computer and then extracted them and then stored them onto my phone and then I clicked on them IN my phone and the download took quite some time. But afterwards it just tells me "if more space needed use this bla bla bla". But the last file on your instructions I downloaded (pro-blue-vga) it finally prompted me to restart. Done that and then everything looks the same except the icons on the top right corner. confused...its probably so simple to do but I don't know what I did wrong. thanks for helping.

download and extract on your computer and you will see the cab and just install the three total cabs and skins that you want.
You've been great help! Last question...Now I got everything working and it looks awesome. Now how do I get that locking thing where you slide it to lock? And also how to put one of your background pics on the TF7X theme?...mine is just black. thank you so much
You've been great help! Last question...Now I got everything working and it looks awesome. Now how do I get that locking thing where you slide it to lock? And also how to put one of your background pics on the TF7X theme?...mine is just black. thank you so much

that is called slide2unlock or s2u2. and for the backgroun they are built into the cab.... go to settings through touchflo tabs near the end and than you will see a choose wallpaper option... click on that nad choose no when it asks if you want to use defualt..... than gnavigate to your internal memory and my documents..... in there you will find the 3 different wallpapers that he gives you stock with the theme to choose from.
Having trouble extracting files. I get a corrupt file error on the Tf7x-white.zip. Any ideas? I have d/l it about 5 times thinking I may just have a connection error, but it does the same thing everyetime and it won't let me extract it. I am anxiously awaiting installing this theme as it looks totally wicked.

Thanks in advance for the help.

BTW, running AT&T HTC FUze with WM
Having trouble extracting files. I get a corrupt file error on the Tf7x-white.zip. Any ideas? I have d/l it about 5 times thinking I may just have a connection error, but it does the same thing everyetime and it won't let me extract it. I am anxiously awaiting installing this theme as it looks totally wicked.

Thanks in advance for the help.

BTW, running AT&T HTC FUze with WM

they work fine asnd dont understand the problem.... have you tried a different browser? im using firefox with no troubles and the site displays and works best with firefox.
Hey Probex, I download ur theme, it's off the hook! and I watched the vid by Dash I saw an app for the Launch Programs window that displayed all the icons. I've been looking for this app for a few days now... any leads? Name of the app? Much appreciated.

Hey Probex, I download ur theme, it's off the hook! and I watched the vid by Dash I saw an app for the Launch Programs window that displayed all the icons. I've been looking for this app for a few days now... any leads? Name of the app? Much appreciated.


Hey bro look here :

thanx for the help but i can't see the thread. I guess I'll keep looking.

if you cant see the thread its because you havent joined the members software group... take a look at my signature below or at the AMJ tour thread and you will find what you are looking for. than after you join the group give us some time to approve you and you will be golden.
for some reason my pro keeps saying something about The central directory was not found in the archive when i try to unzip tf7x, throttle lock,and tf7xwhite. can i get a lil help please?
for some reason my pro keeps saying something about The central directory was not found in the archive when i try to unzip tf7x, throttle lock,and tf7xwhite. can i get a lil help please?

extract on your pc to the cab files than drag over.... pretty big files to be unzipping on your device.
Ok this doesn't work for me. :( HTC Touch Pro... followed these instructions:

1.Disable TF3d from today settings [VERY IMPORTANT]
2.Install TF7X-by-PROBEX.cab
install takes a long time like 6 min or so...
reset when prompted.
3.[CDMA-dial-skin] Install S2A-TF3d.cab
reset when prompted
4.Install PROBEX-blue-VGA.cab

Now you should be totally redesigned

I found two different TF7X-by-probex.zip files on two different forums.

One has:

The other has:


well I installed those 3 cabs in the order specified in the txt file on my phone after moving them onto the 4GB microSD card, and the only change I can see is the bar at the top has different icons for the sig strength and battery icon and such up there.

What am I doing wrong? :( I tried this while using the SsS-Rom and the Juicy Rom. No luck on either one. :(

*note* only the last file on the readme told me to restart the device.
Ok this doesn't work for me. :( HTC Touch Pro... followed these instructions:

1.Disable TF3d from today settings [VERY IMPORTANT]
2.Install TF7X-by-PROBEX.cab
install takes a long time like 6 min or so...
reset when prompted.
3.[CDMA-dial-skin] Install S2A-TF3d.cab
reset when prompted
4.Install PROBEX-blue-VGA.cab

Now you should be totally redesigned

I found two different TF7X-by-probex.zip files on two different forums.

One has:

The other has:


well I installed those 3 cabs in the order specified in the txt file on my phone after moving them onto the 4GB microSD card, and the only change I can see is the bar at the top has different icons for the sig strength and battery icon and such up there.

What am I doing wrong? :( I tried this while using the SsS-Rom and the Juicy Rom. No luck on either one. :(

*note* only the last file on the readme told me to restart the device.

what forums are those? this is a AMJ exclusive hteme and i will have to contact the owner of those sites to get removed. also you did reenable touchflo after install and soft resets correct?
what forums are those? this is a AMJ exclusive hteme and i will have to contact the owner of those sites to get removed. also you did reenable touchflo after install and soft resets correct?

After reading thru a lot of these posts I found out you have to install the programs to the device and not the SD card so I got 99% of this theme to work and it looks like pure sex. EXCEPT for the fact that I cannot get the background to load up in the background :( It's just a black screen. When I power on the phone you can see the background while TF3d loads and it looks funny but its there, then once TF3d loads the bg turns black.

Thanks to the forums anti spam under 5 posts rules I cant post the direct links but it's over at the XDA developers forum where I first found this sweet theme.

I've noticed a lot of your attached files have redundant instances of the white fonts zip too. You might want to clean up the attachments so your files are a lot less confusing :) I tried installing the white fonts and failed miserably.

Also where is this TL file to install the lock slider you made? :(
gah why doesnt my posts show up in here?

*edit* ok that was weird. I made 3 posts in here and I finally am able to post in here again.

Gah now I wish I didn't have to retype all that crap out again.

XDA developers site is where I originally found this and I love this theme.

I finally got this theme to work after realizing you have to install it to the device and not the sdcard.
Now I'm having issues getting the background image to display. All I have is a black background.

Also where is the TL file to install the lock slider?
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