[HTC-PRO] [Update 04/02/09] ATR 30 Manila/Rhodium Touch Pro TF3D2(build 21028)

I havent been checked in on this thread in a while...And the reason is....Because this ROM is the shizznit....I havent had any issues(except for the onscreen key board which doesnt really bother me) So once again Im saying KUDOS....I havent had to soft reset in about 3 weeks.....I have the best battery power I have had since a non-smartphone...I love my phone again.....And its all cuz of Yall

we got many many suprises coming.....thanks for the mad props, we def could use positive feed back every now and then.
we got many many suprises coming.....thanks for the mad props, we def could use positive feed back every now and then.

Yes indeed it is good to get positive feedback even tho this rom is old but it still kicks rear ends compared to other 6.1 roms out there. As most of you know we were supposed to make a platinum rom which would run 6.5, but that wasnt the case for us as we came to some objects in our personal lives. Well after us 3 bumped heads again we decided to stick to the plan and make a rom for 6.5, BUT the thing is we are gonna wait for a an RTM 6.5 ROM running tf3d2(either rhodium or topaz w/e works better) and another one running titanium. I am on the VIP list for xbmods project so I will get an early headsup on the stable versions soon as they drop.

Yes indeed it is good to get positive feedback even tho this rom is old but it still kicks rear ends compared to other 6.1 roms out there. As most of you know we were supposed to make a platinum rom which would run 6.5, but that wasnt the case for us as we came to some objects in our personal lives. Well after us 3 bumped heads again we decided to stick to the plan and make a rom for 6.5, BUT the thing is we are gonna wait for a an RTM 6.5 ROM running tf3d2(either rhodium or topaz w/e works better) and another one running titanium. I am on the VIP list for xbmods project so I will get an early headsup on the stable versions soon as they drop.


what ya mean this rom is old bro!hahaha, this is by farrrrrrr the best 6.1 rom out there. i've been running this for about 2 months and i wouldnt think of changing it until you guys can come up with a final 6.5 rom, because it cant get better than this for 6.1. thanks for the hard work to all three of you. atr baby!!!!
what ya mean this rom is old bro!hahaha, this is by farrrrrrr the best 6.1 rom out there. i've been running this for about 2 months and i wouldnt think of changing it until you guys can come up with a final 6.5 rom, because it cant get better than this for 6.1. thanks for the hard work to all three of you. atr baby!!!!

yea u do have a point there phe lol...i ment old as in old sys and thats it actually lol...I guess everyone is stoked about 6.5. But yes 6.5 is gona def be in the works and thanks for the great compliments.
yea u do have a point there phe lol...i ment old as in old sys and thats it actually lol...I guess everyone is stoked about 6.5. But yes 6.5 is gona def be in the works and thanks for the great compliments.

well, i dont know about sys and all, hahaha, but this rom is truly great bro. i tried it when it was first release, and then i tried like 7 more roms, but i came back to this and i havent left since. i mean i have like 35 apps, and like 23 games in it, and i NEVER had ANY issue yet! yes the keyborad issue did come up but i install a different keyboard and that fixed it, but other than that nothing. no freezes, no drop calls, it has never turned off on me yet. this think is like a little civic, it runs on fumes bro! so like the old saying goes, if it aint broke, dont fix it! and is gonna be hard to beat this, maybe even for you guys! hahaha, but i'll be waiting and looking out for anything new.
well, i dont know about sys and all, hahaha, but this rom is truly great bro. i tried it when it was first release, and then i tried like 7 more roms, but i came back to this and i havent left since. i mean i have like 35 apps, and like 23 games in it, and i NEVER had ANY issue yet! yes the keyborad issue did come up but i install a different keyboard and that fixed it, but other than that nothing. no freezes, no drop calls, it has never turned off on me yet. this think is like a little civic, it runs on fumes bro! so like the old saying goes, if it aint broke, dont fix it! and is gonna be hard to beat this, maybe even for you guys! hahaha, but i'll be waiting and looking out for anything new.

haha yea man we did work really really hard on these roms and at times we never thought they would be done....6.5 is going to be off the hook i can tell you that much....i got alot of tricks up my sleeve and now that bro bro is on vip list for xbmod we get to test that out b4 alot of other rom builders....the minute 6.5 final drops development will start and production lights will be on....this is going to be a TEAM ATR PRODUCTIONS EXCLUSIVE and theres not ganna be another rom like it, hold on tight boys and girls.....your in for a ride.
Im tired of ppl asking about other roms in this thread, if you have a question about other roms ask in that damn thread, its gettin ridiculous....

+1 have to agree..... please keep all talk in this thread on atr rom only...... infractions will be issued if needed.

How do I fix this problem in Star rom ? !!!! lol..........JK, dont think people read sometimes just post where they feel like or in the first thread they see lmao. So i could see how that could bug real bad.

i agree with you guys, but at the same time, he is just trying to make a "comparison" so is he goes to mighty thread he will still be doing the same, dont you think? why not make a rom "comparison" thread, or if not, just ask this kinda of questions in the free talk area instead?
i agree with you guys, but at the same time, he is just trying to make a "comparison" so is he goes to mighty thread he will still be doing the same, dont you think? why not make a rom "comparison" thread, or if not, just ask this kinda of questions in the free talk area instead?

well we do have the reviews area and thats where i put my review ifor the ss vs star and just linkeed both treads over there.....
well we do have the reviews area and thats where i put my review ifor the ss vs star and just linkeed both treads over there.....

i agree with you guys, but at the same time, he is just trying to make a "comparison" so is he goes to mighty thread he will still be doing the same, dont you think? why not make a rom "comparison" thread, or if not, just ask this kinda of questions in the free talk area instead?

Thanks PHE-NOM took the words right out of my head....
Thanks D/\SH for the clarification

I did test this rom out on my Alltel TP, it had the same clock issue that has plagued me with other sprint roms. I tried my carrier cab and still got an awesome rom that was off an hour. I had to flash a sprint stock radio rom(like suggested) then an alltel stock rom then back to a rom I knew would work.

That's my review: and again im on the other side of the fence while the cool kids play with there cooler toys.
if any alltel TP carriers have gotten this to work or if anyone has a suggestion what i could do I would love to hear it. :second: